ePortfolios and “ Folio thinking ” in Biology 321 Shona Ellis, Botany Dept, UBC Joanne Nakonechny, Skylight
Introduction to Bryo-Project Project goals: Folio thinking - Provide students with scaffolding to promote intentional and integrative learning –Encourage students to: engage in active reflection make connection between schoolwork and identity as a scientist e-portfolio Portfolio as both a personal space, group space, and public space (website)
Overview: Folio Thinking in Action Biology 321 e-Portfolio WebCTWebsite Students work on group pages within WebCT environment (collect, select, reflect) Students work is collected and uploaded to Biol 321 public site (present) The e-Portfolio is both parts.
Creating Understanding – collect, select, process
Demonstrating Understanding – personal/group Integrative learning – concept mapping Intentional learning – information processing sheets “Deep structure” conceptual questions – study/exam questions Collaborative learning + technique development - Tissue culture project and plant collection Individual presentations – Field trips
Demonstrating Understanding - public Students contribute to a public website –external validation for what students are learning –engages students as active scientists: researching, adding to inventories, and an image database. Public site:
Public Site
Benefits Students: worked and studied cooperatively asked “deeper” questions developed technical lab skills learned technology skills better lab, field and lecture integration developed a sense of community Instructor: saw where student misunderstandings occurred (info processing pages, now submitted answers to study questions)