Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 1 YIAM talking about ZYAM? Electron data seem to falsify pQCD HQ dynamics unless Bottom quark production is suppressed (i.e. Is RHIC charming but not beautiful ?) Is Bottom Jet Puzzle related to Machs? Both c+b c only
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 2 pQCD Band Clash of pQCD vs AdS/CFT Paradigms WHDG Can be experimentally resolved by identified Bottom/Charm Jet Tomography W.Horowitz, MG: nucl-th/ AdS Band pQCD Band AdS Band Speed limits not shown
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 3 YIAM unhappy about ZYAM Miklazarus Gyulassy April 8, 2008 ZYAM S.Padre, TX Is this a Mach Cone or Experimental Artifact or Just Radial Flow Coupling ? Can light quark/glue di-jet correlations help solve Bottom Jet Puzzle?
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 4 John Harris’ Mach Cone Experiment near S. Padre Island M
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 5 GSI Director Dr Mach Stoecker MM Nuclear Mach Cone Theory M To RHIC Discoveries 2004:nucl-th/
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 6 Head Bow Shock Primary Mach Wake Beam “Plume” Shear Cocoon 2 nd Mach
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 8 QM2008 Relativistic Hydro with Jet B. Betz et al QM08
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 9 Part 1: YIAMunhapwZYAM Part 2: YIAM still not happy with Machs either 0) Texas Red Neck Mach Model 1) g 2 N c /4 >> 1 AdS predicts Mach wakes are weak in comparison to Neck+Head (Noronha,Betz,Torieri,MG) 2) g 2 N c /4 << 1 p QCD jet Radiative energy loss also predicts no Mach like dips (Vitev) 3) Could it be just radial flow? (Pruneau,Voloshin,Gavin)
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 10 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006) PHENIX Introduction to ZYAM Exp: Fit func
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 11 Mapping out the jet correlation landscape: A Perspective from PHENIX experiment. Jiang-yong Jia Int.J.Mod.Phys.E16:3058,2008 1) Two component Model 2) Fit a0: C AB ( min )=0
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 12 But at SPS “Mach Cone “ cannot be due to Perfect Fluidity !! Huge dissipative effects in Hadron Resonance Corona Gavin; Hirano, MG
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 13 J.W. Goethe tests of ZYAM assumptions Stefan Kniege
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 14 Unhappy with ZYAM (assumed Zero Yield At Minimum) Because 1% errors on the magnitude of an assumed independent “Background” (the sQGP signal) produces a factor of 2 variation of the azimuthal correlations shape relative to a flat C( ) near The “Mach” signal is tiny ~ 1% in correlation func Systematic errors need much more attention Recent progress by McCumber (PHENIX) is an attempt to measure background level, but even then the Assumption of two independent Jet+QGP sources is dubious
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 15 Part 2: Theory Problems with Mach Modeling 2.0 The Texas Red-neck Mach Model
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 16 A Comment on conical flow induced by heavy-quark jets. F. Antinori, E.V. Shuryak, J.Phys.G31:L19,2005. Trigger Jet “Mach Wake” NonHydro Head “Diffusion Plume” Observed Angular and spectral distribution Is a superposition dN/d dp T d = Mach wake + Diffusion Plume + + Flowing Bulk sQGP + Jet Head + Neck Sound cstcst Casaderrey-S, Teaney, Shuryak hep-ph/ J.Noronha, B. Betz, G. Torrieri, MG (08) Head /Neck
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 17 Texas Red Neck Model of Heavy Quark Mach Cones and Diffusion Plumes = Hard HeadRed Neck Mach Angle Diffusion Plume
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 18 Part 2.1 The AdS/CFT String model of Mach wake + friends (Cooper-Frying the AdS Black Brane) Jorge Noronha, B. Betz, G. Torieri, MG
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 19 Some references on AdS drag and induced Stress flow We use numerical Stress results from these
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 20 Heavy Quark Model as string in AdS 5 XS 5 hanging from a D7 brane boundary Myer 07 AdS 5 D3
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 21 Ulery QM08 Mach Cones in SYM Plasmas via the AdS/CFT conjecture Heavy Quark String Drag Picture Head Neck Herzog et al Gubser et al Yaffe et al You are here X Inside BH
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 22 AdS/CFT Drag assumes: SYM plasmaQCD plasma ~ 30 ~
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 23 For “realistic” parameters AdS/String Mach+Diffusion wake disturbance remains small ~10% relative to “background” SYM Except in Head+Neck r < 2/ T Bow Shock zone region Gubser,Pufu,Yarom AdS drag numerical solution =5.5 =6
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 24 Flow velocity field is also small v < 0.1 even for v Q =0.9c Except in Head +Neck region Only Head region has v>0.1 Bow Shock
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 25 Near Zone Navier-Stokes Analysis of Heavy Quark Jet Quenching in an N =4 SYM Jorge Noronha, Giorgio Torrieri, MG, hep-ph Use Yarom’s analytic near field solution to investigate the breakdown of Navier Stokes. Conclusion: Deviations limited to small “Head Zone” | x| < 2/ T ~ 0.5 fm Knudsen number Pressure Anisotropy V jet =0.99 c x 1 =(x-vt)/ T K(x 1,r) P x /P z r =x T / T
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 26 Recent Advances in 2 nd order AdS/Hydro
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 27 Generically, such a metric (we will denote it by g(0)(b(xμ), βi(xμ)) is not a solution to Einstein’s equations. if all derivatives of the parameters b(xμ) and βi(xμ) are small, is locally well approximated by a boosted black brane. Local boosted black brane metric solves Einstein provided the functions b(xμ) and βi(xμ) obey a set of equations of motion, which turn out simply to be the equations of boundary fluid dynamics The expansion parameter is 1/LT where L is the scale of gradients of the parameters and T is the Hawking Temperature of the Black Brane
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 28 K c ~11 T Acausal for Short wavelength < 0.5 /T
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 29 To convert AdS T (x) stress information into Hadron angular and spectral intensities In AdS ~ static SYM plasma assume an isochronous freeze-out We used full numerical AdS solution of Gubser, Pufu, Yarom ( with Causal and Head cuts Causal cut Head/Neck cut RHRH Plume cut 0
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 30 T=200 T=250 T=300 1)Mach wake produces no dip Due to thermal smearing 2) All AdS azimuthal signal comes from Bow shock Head+(red) Neck region where local equilib CF is however unjustified !! J.Noronha et al 2008 AdS/ Cooper Fryed to Pions
Gyulassy, So.Padre, TX 4/8/08 31 Conclusions: 1)Mach Cones or Away Side Dips are very generic phenomena, but interpretation in AA is nontrivial due to Multi-source (nonZYAM) contributions to azimuthal yields Yield( )= Mach+Plume+Neck+Head+sQGP 2) AdS/CFT is most sophisticated beyond-hydro dynamical Model that features all the above in one self consistent framework 3) Unfortunately, most of the interesting azimuthal signal is generated by the non-equilibrium Neck + Head r < 2/ T region !! 4) Other, e.g. Radial + Longitudinal Flow, effects may actually dominate signals of tiny 2 and 3 particle associated observables