R&D dept., | page 1 PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel I. Remediating Actions II. Doctoral Programme Vrije Universiteit Brussel III. Joint Doctoral Porgrammes Benjamin Van Camp, rector
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 2 I.VUB Study "PhD's at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel" Aim: –an inventarization of all aspects of junior researchers' activities Method: –interviews & questionnaire sent to (former) junior researchers Research questions –previous employment; motivations for accepting a grant; can more PhD students be attracted or kept?; time available for research; period needed to finish the PhD; combination of grants; most cited difficulties
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 3 University Council A consistent set of measures a)Revision of central regulations regarding PhD's b)Revision of procedures for appointment & renewal of junior researchers c)Regulations regarding the ombudsman/woman for PhD students d)Reform of the Research Council's PhD grants e)Reform of the Research Council's funding for PhD's f)The good PhD promoter's profile
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 4 a. Revision of central regulations regarding PhD's Terminology –PhD students, committee for the follow up of a PhD Incentive for yearly enrolment Extension of promoter categories Compulsory PhD follow up committee at faculty level –minimal rules in central regulations & yearly report
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 5 b. Revision of procedures for appointment & renewal of junior researchers Faculties' appointment forms –made uniform –research registration form to be added: Research registration form –stating the research activities, if not: to be motivated –stating the promoter (not necessarily the professor responsible for education activities) –stating the preparation of a PhD: if so: timing to be mentioned if not: to be motivated
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 6 c. Regulations regarding the ombudsman/woman for PhD students Full professor Registration of complaints & mediation Yearly report
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 7 d. Reform of the Research Council's PhD grants Predoctoral grants of 2x2 years Predoctoral continuation grants of ≤ 1 year after external predoctoral funding (IWT, FWO,...) Predoctoral last phase grants of ≤ 2 years after ≤ 4 years of VUB funding as assistant Postdoctoral run up grants of ≤ 1 year in view of external postdoctoral funding (IWT, FWO,...) Combinations are possible
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 8 e. Reform of the Research Council's funding for PhD's Incentive for a good support & guidance of PhD students by their promoters 7500 EUR / PhD awarded Based on the past 6 years, lists are published Allocated to the promoters through the department ("vakgroep") To be used for the support of PhD students
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 9 f. The good PhD promoter's profile Offers the required expertise, infrastructure, support & guidance Plays a role as stimulator, co-ordiator & evaluator for the entire PhD preparation period Guards the PhD student's time for research Indicates possibilities for publication & requirements (VUB affiliation)
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 10 Future? Evaluation of the measures taken –after 3 years: procedures for appointment & renewal ombusman/woman –after 5 years: Research Council's funding for PhD's
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 11 II. Doctoral Programme Vrije Universiteit Brussel Emphasis on tailored support rather than formal schooling Single contact person for matters related to PhD support, open-door policy Generic skills (e.g. English for Academic and Research purposes) are developed in interactive workshops Reflection on science and society is seen as an integral part of doctoral training Website and monthly newsletter specifically targeted at PhD students. Information about all PhDs defended at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, seminars and workshops (internal and external), deadlines and funding, regulations and administrative forms Online portfolio for junior researchers, integrated in Research Database. Automatically generated year reports etc. Certificate of doctoral research activities as a supplement to the degree, emphasizing acquired skills (notably for private industry)
PhD Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel — Remediating Actions, Doctoral Programme VUB & Joint Doctoral Programmes R&D dept | page 12 III. Joint Doctoral Programmes VUB - KMS VUB - ULB (under negociation)