20 10 School of Electrical Engineering &Telecommunications UNSW UNSW 11 Author(s) - Optima font - 51 size - Left aligned - colour black Can go to two lines if needed Main Heading Impact font - 91 size - Left aligned- Colour black Subhead - Impact font - 45 size - Left aligned.5 line spacing after paragraph (subhead) - Colour black Next level subhead - Optima font - 38 size - Left aligned - Colour black Body text - Arial font - 34 recommended size - Left aligned - Colour black. Please Note: Poster size is currently at A0 size. To print to smaller sizes choose correct paper size and choose the option “scale to fit paper” in the print dialogue box. Be sure to have all of the necessary fonts installed on your computer so information will print correctly. Font folder is included with this poster file. Recommendation for placing all images and graphs, use PASTE SPECIAL and PASTE AS PICTURE and scale image as needed in PowerPoint. Suggest not using CLICK and LINK as this causes problems. Sample text and figures follow. 3.Three Channel Cardiac Monitor This unit uses the same radio frequency transmitter/ receiver as the others but records and transmits a 3 ‑ channel ECG. A number of options are available. These include a 4 ‑ electrode system whereby two limb leads (1 and 11) and one chest lead (V5 or V6) can be recorded, or a three electrode system whereby two ECG channels are recorded simultaneously. The ECG data are transmitted to the PC where simple algorithms operating in real time are used to identify a range of cardiac arrhythmia including conduction defects, ventricular tachcardias and fibOlation. The presence of potentially dangerous arrhythmia generates an alarm condition and a dial out alarm to a 24 ‑ hour call service. The Web Based Patient Information Folder (P.l.F.) (A JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY AND IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE) The Patient Information Folder (PIF) is a multi-media electronic patient record system. The PIF comprises an open ‑ architecture network IT support systern, which uses industry standard components running under Windows 95, NT and Unix. The PIF is a modular system, it runs on any type of network hardware that supports TCP/IP. 1. Tri ‑ axial Accelerometer This belt worn device measures acceleration forces in three directions and can be used to identify motor sensory deficits, which could lead to falls in the elderly. This instrument can be used as an emergency or falls monitor or for detecting subtle changes in motor control arising from the effects of prescription drugs or degenerative aging processes. 2. Seizure Detector This device is worn as a bracelet or on the upper arm and generates an audible alarm as well as dialing an emergency number when a seizure is detected by the two axis accelerometer in the device. Development of this device was prompted by a neurologist who noted that seizures can cause brain damage if left unattended and can be relatively easily terminated if detected early The Patient Information Folder (PIF) is a multi- media electronic patient record system. The PIF comprises an open ‑ architecture network IT support systern, which uses industry standard components running under Windows 95, NT and Unix. The PIF is a modular system, it runs on any type of network hardware that supports TCP/IP.