NSF Site Visit Introduction to Google and Masdar Instutute 8 Feb 2010 DataSpace 1
Google Contributions to DataSpace Google lead: Alon Halevy – Heads the Structured-Data Management Research Group at Google – Research related to integrating data from multiple sources and resolving schema heterogeneity – Championed Open Information Integration (OpenII), an open-source set of tools for information integration. with other organizations, such as IBM and MITRE – Help to facilitate and guide the effective use of OpenII in the DataSpace effort. 2
Masdar Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, graduate-only research-oriented institute in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), developed with the support and cooperation of MIT. 3
Masdar contributions to DataSpace Two key contributions: – Host first international DataSpace node – Faculty research in areas relevant to DataSpace Masdar Faculty lead: Wei Lee Woon – Coordinate the testing and operation of the DataSpace node at the Masdar Institute – Research on data analysis, use of data for model calibration and mediation, functional database capability, and data conversion 4