1 On the Benefits of Adaptivity in Property Testing of Dense Graphs Joint work with Mira Gonen Dana Ron Tel-Aviv University
2 Let G = (V,E) be a graph. If G has property P: accept w.h.p. If G is “ -far” from P: reject w.h.p. “ -far”: “ -fraction of the graph” should be modified to obtain P. A Testing Algorithm for graph property P can query the graph G on the neighborhood relations of vertices in G. Graph Property Testing
3 Models used for Testing Graph Properties 1 2 … d 1 n Bounded-Degree Graphs Model [GR] : (graph is represented by n incidence lists of size d) queries: who is i’th neighbor of v? -far: d n edges should be modified. suitable: (almost)-regular sparse graphs (in particular, constant-degree graphs) Dense Graphs Model [GGR] : (graph is represented by n x n adjacency matrix) queries: is (u,v) E ? -far: n 2 edges should be modified. suitable: dense graphs v 1 u
4 Adaptive vs. non-adaptive testers A tester is adaptive if its queries depend on answers to previously asked queries. In the bounded degree model testers are “adaptive by nature”- [RS]. Can adaptivity be beneficial in the dense graph model ? [AFKS,GT] showed that there is at most a quadratic gap in the query complexity between adaptive and non- adaptive testers in the dense graphs model. Is there an actual a gap in the dense graphs model? We reveal a gap by considering the natural problem of testing bipartiteness.
5 Testing Bipartiteness in Dense Graphs Bipartiteness Algorithm of [GGR]: –Uniformly and independently select (log(1/ )/ 2 ) vertices in graph. –If subgraph induced by selected vertices is bipartite, then accept, otherwise, reject. Query complexity and running time of algorithm: Õ(1/ 4 ). Slight variant yields Õ(1/ 3 ) Improved analysis of [AK]: –Sufficient to randomly select only Õ(1/ ) vertices. The query complexity and running time : Õ( 1/ 2 ) Are Õ( 1/ 2 ) queries on pairs of vertices necessary?
6 Lower Bounds [BT] (1/ 3/2 ) for adaptive algorithms (1/ 2 ) for non-adaptive algorithms The lower bounds hold for graphs of small degree, that is, the degree of every vertex is ( n
7 Our Results Main Result: We describe an adaptive bipartiteness tester for graphs with maximum degree O( n ) that performs Õ( 1/ ) queries. A variant of the algorithm tests the combined property of having degree O( n ) and being bipartite. A Few notes The (1/ 2 ) lower bound of [BT] for non-adaptive algorithms holds in this low-degree case. Our tester matches the (1/ 3/2 ) lower bound of [BT] up to polylogarithmic factors in 1/ We also show that Õ( 1/ ) queries suffice when (almost) all vertices have degree ( 1/2 n).
8 Main Idea behind Algorithm: Apply techniques from the Bounded-Degree model Algorithm selects, uniformly at random a subset of vertices T, where |T|= (log(1/ Let G T denote the subgraph induced by T. Emulate the bipartiteness tester of [GR] for bounded-degree graphs on G T. The [GR] algorithm performs O((t) 1/2 poly(log(t),1/ ) neighbor queries when run on graphs with t vertices and with dist par (i.e., is sublinear in size of graph) Will need to show: (1) G T is -far from bipartite for large (distance measured w.r.t. bounded-deg model). (2) Can emulate algorithm efficiently using vertex-pair queries
9 Main Lemma: If a graph G is -far from being bipartite and has maximum degree O( n ), then w.h.p over a random choice of Õ (1/ ) vertices in G, the subgraph G’ induced by the selected vertices is ’-far from being bipartite for ’ = ( /log(1/ )). Analysis G ’ far T1T1 T2T2 far for every partition (T 1,T 2 ) of T have ’|T| 2 violating edges
10 Analysis Proving the main result from the main Lemma: 1. Assume main Lemma holds. 2. w.h.p the degree of vertices in G T d=polylog(1 / The number of edges that should be removed from G T is at least d|T|, where 1/polylog (1/ G T is –far from being bipartite in the bounded degree model. Applying techniques from the bounded-degree graphs model we get our main result. ’|T| 2 edges need to be removed from G T |T|= Õ (1/ ). ’= ( /log(1/ )). Run the [GR] algorithm on G T
11 Proof Sketch of the main Lemma View the sample T as consisting of two subsets S and R, each of size (log(1/ )/ ). Def: for a partition (S 1,S 2 ) of S, an edge (u,v) E is conflicting with (S 1,S 2 ) if u and v both have a neighbor in S 1 or both have a neighbor in S 2. S1S1 S2S2 u v
12 Proof Sketch of the main Lemma Property 1: for every partition (S 1,S 2 ) of S, the subset R spans at least ( /16)|R| 2 edges that conflict with (S 1,S 2 ). S1S1 S2S2 ( /16)|R| 2 R In order to prove the lemma will prove that w.h.p the sample T = S R has several properties.
13 Property 2: the maximum degree in G T is O( |T|)=O(log(1/ )). Claim: let G be a graph that is –far from being bipartite and has max degree O( n). Then w.h.p S and R have Property 1, and G T has Property 2. Proof Sketch of the main Lemma S R GTGT O( |T|) R S1S1 S2S2 ( /16)|R| 2 GTGT O( |T|) By one of Janson’s inequalities
14 Proof sketch of the main Lemma Assume S,R has Property 1 and G T has Property 2. Consider any fixed partition (S 1 R 1,S 2 R 2 ) of T. Property 1 R spans at least ( /16)|R| 2 conflicting edges. #conflicting edges mapped to each violating edge c’’log(1/ ) (using Property 2) there are at least ’’|R| 2 violating edges with respect to (S 1 R 1,S 2 R 2 ), ’’ /( c log (1/ )) there are at least ’|T| 2 violating edges with respect to (S 1 R 1,S 2 R 2 ), ’= ’’/4. Conflicting edges mapping Violating edges Lemma: w.h.p. G T is ’-far from being bipartite for ’ = ( /log(1/ )).
15 w.h.p over the choice of sample T, all vertices in G T have degree at most d=O( log(1/ ) ), and it is necessary to remove more than ’ |T| 2 edges in order to make it bipartite, for ’ = ( /(log(1/ ))) G T is -far from being bipartite in the bounded degree model, for ’ |T| 2 /d|T| = (1/(log(1/ ))) Emulating the Algorithm for Bounded-Degree Graphs Main Lemma + Claim
16 Emulating the Algorithm for Bounded-Degree Graphs In order to run the [GR] algorithm we have to emulate random walks by using vertex-pair queries only: To perform a random step from a vertex v: perform all queries (v,u) for u in T, and take a random neighbor. each neighbor query takes |T| vertex-pair queries. # neighbor queries in the alg = |T| 1/2 poly(log |T|,1/ polylog (1/ total cost = polylog (1/ u1u1 v u2u2 u3u3 u d(v) T we started from polylog(1/ ) vertices in G T, performed polylog (1/ )/ 1/2 random walks for each such vertex, each of length polylog(1/ )
17 An Adaptive Testing Algorithm for graphs with degree O( n) Uniformly at random select a subset of vertices T, where |T|= (log(1/ and let G T denote the subgraph induced by T. Uniformly and independently at random select (log(1/ vertices from T. Let the set of vertices selected be denoted by W. For each vertex v W, perform polylog (1/ random walks in G T, each of length polylog (1/ . If an odd-length cycle is detected in the subgraph induced by all random walks then reject, otherwise accept. Emulate the [GR] algorithm for testing bipartiteness of bounded- degree graphs (with particular setting of parameters)
18 An Adaptive Testing Algorithm for graphs with degree O( n) Main Theorem: The algorithm described is a testing algorithm for graphs with maximum degree O( n). Its query complexity and running time are Õ(1/ /2 ).
19 Conclusions Adaptive testers are stronger than non-adaptive testers in the dense graphs model. Give an adaptive bipartiteness tester for graphs for which all vertices have maximum degree O( n ) that performs Õ (1/ 3/2 ) queries. The lower bound of [BT] for non-adaptive algorithms holds for graphs for which the degree of every vertex is ( n). A variant of the algorithm tests combined property of being bipartite and having degree O ( n ) Our tester matches the 3/2 ) lower bound of [BT] up to polylogarithmic factors in 1/ . Proved that Õ ( 1/ 3/2 ) queries suffice when (almost) all vertices have degree /2 n ).
20 Thanks
21 Conclusions and Open problems Further Research: Is there an algorithm whose complexity is Õ ((1/ 3/2 ) for graphs with degree ( n) for some < < 1/2 ? for all graphs? In the ( n) case we can prove: Lemma: Let G be a graph that is -far from being bipartite, and which all vertices have degree ( n) for some > . Then w.h.p over the uniform random selection of a vertex subsets S and R, each of size Õ (1/ ), the subgraph G R S is ’-far from being bipartite for ’ = ( /log(1/ )). Study other properties with a gap between adaptive and non- adaptive testers. 1/2 n nn ?
22 Proof sketch of the main Lemma Assume R has property 1 and G T has property 2. Consider any fixed partition (S 1 R 1,S 2 R 2 ) of T. Property 1 R spans at least ( /16)|R| 2 conflicting edges. #conflicting edges mapped to each violating edge c’’log(1/ ) there are at least ’’|R| 2 violating edges with respect to (S 1 R 1,S 2 R 2 ), ’’ /( c log (1/ )) there are at least ’|T| 2 violating edges with respect to (S 1 R 1,S 2 R 2 ), ’= ’’/4. for every partition (S 1,S 2 ) of S, the subset R spans at least ( /16)|R| 2 edges that conflict with (S 1,S 2 ). the maximum degree in G T is at most O( |T|). Conflicting edges mapping Violating edges emulate
23 w Let (u,v) be a conflicting edge. If it is violating: (u,v) (u,v) Otherwise: w.l.g. u in R 1, v in R 2. w.l.o.g. u has a neighbor w in S 1, v has a neighbor z in S 1 (u,v) (u,w) Worst case: for all u all conflicting edges (u,v) are mapped to the same (u,w). Max num of conflicting edges that are mapped to each violating edge c’log(1/ ). Proof sketch of Main Lemma - cont Conflicts with (S 1,S 2 ) and spanned by R u,v belong to different sides of the partition (S 1 R 1, S 2 R 2 ) By property 2 u has at most c’log(1/ ) neighbors in R u,v in R 1, or u,v in R 2 (u,v) is conflicting R1R1 R2R2 S1S1 S2S2 u v conclusions
24 Conclusions and Open problems Further Research: Is there an algorithm whose complexity is Õ((1/ 3/2 ) for graphs with degree ( n) for some < < 1/2 ? For all graphs? Study other properties with a gap between adaptive and non-adaptive testers and in particular remove the promise / dependence on 1/2 n nn ?