Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting 24.09.20021/6 1-Shot Test Beam CERN CMS: M.Huhtinen, R.Hammarstrom, A.Macpherson CERN ATLAS, PS, Karlsruhe CMS  Overview.


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Presentation transcript:

Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting /6 1-Shot Test Beam CERN CMS: M.Huhtinen, R.Hammarstrom, A.Macpherson CERN ATLAS, PS, Karlsruhe CMS  Overview Simulate conditions of asynchronous beam abort  Consequences to the tracker?  Status Report beam conditions tests mechanics signal driving readout Date around PS MD on 16 th of October Duration: 8 hours

Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting /6 Beam Conditions total proton fluence: ~ 2.6 x per shot fast extraction: 36.6ns -pulses (separated by 262ns)  best simulation that can be done would be double shot done in same supercycle as slow extraction  1-shot tests in conjuction with other east hall beam tests (!) 10 2 mm 2 x 1mm 11 C 10cm 3cm

Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting /6 Tests 1 st carrier: sensor + hybrid 2 nd carrier: sensor + good TEC module 3 rd carrier: sensor + KA prototype TEC module Testprogramm with last module shots with...  LV off, HV off  LV on, HV off  LV off, HV on  LV on, HV on (increase risk of damage)  during ~30 consecutive shots: ramp HV (0..100V in 20V-steps and V in 50V-steps)  module still alive?

Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting /6 Mechanics flexible mounting of module fittings realized with long holes  vertical tilting and horizontal movement of module possible  module‘s position can be adjusted to changing beam positions

Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting /6 Signal Driving  lab tests performed with short pulsed LED signals and minisensors  signal driving over long distances (~30m) with resolution of 1Üs  rise and fall times of leakage current and AC-DC voltage: 2 and 14Üs  time resolution sufficient! Readout full sized Sensor  V bias  I leak  V AC-DC (3 groups)  I DC-biasresistor (3 groups)  I guard 15 parameters in fully populated device carrier TEC Module  V bias  I leak  V,I 125  V,I x scope- and 12+y FADC channels avaliable (x,yS0... hopefully!)  at least 2 different sampling times possible (500ns, 10Üs,...?)

Manuel FahrerCMS Week TB Meeting /6 APV readout  APV readout done optically (thanks to Jan Troska)  I 2 C transfer over ~30m successfully tested  total readout chain is now being setup and tested  readout software has to be done Conclusion  beam setup ok  mechanics ok  signal aquisition and monitoring nearly finished  testing of readout chain in progress  we expect to be ready in time!