1 Salvatore Vassallo Navigating through archives, libraries and museums: topic maps as a harmonizing instrument University of Pavia TMRA ’05 – Leipzig, 6-7 October 2005
2 Topic maps variant forms of names 3 topic maps based projects Topic maps cultural heritage Topic maps archives
3 Use users’ research to determine the variant forms Minimum rate to become a variant form The variant form will be included in topic definition Possibility to browse the right and wrong forms Variant forms of names
4 Variant forms of names: calculate minimum rate Minimum Rate Parameters 2 > K < 3 to refine search Questionnaire Number Empirical formula to define mininum rate: the main idea is to found an equation that decrease lowly when the number of questionnaire increases. For i.e. if with 100 questionnaire we need 15-16% as minimum rate to become variant form, with ,5% (250 searches) could be enough.
6 Example Shakespeare (I) Minimum rate: 8% Results: Shakespeare 82% Shakespear 13% Others forms 5% include it in the topic definition or just link to the correct form
7 Shakespeare Shakespear Apocope Example Shakespeare (II)
8 Example Shakespeare (III)
9 Example Shakespeare (IV) Shakespeare Shakespear We could use also a reification
10 Example Shakespeare (V)
11 Bocca Vocca Betacism
13 TM & Variant forms: conclusion Features: Use users’ researches to define variant forms of names Manage variant forms with topic maps Enable browsing the correct and the wrong forms Incorporate in existing software
14 Managing related terms in a cultural system Interoperability: A standard to include other standards Problem: standards do not satisfy the requirements of all parties Solution: specific standards at a lower level with relations expressed in a topic map at a higher level – topic maps as a tool for harmonization
15 Topic maps as a harmonizing instrument The entity level recognize different forms, that would be described differently under one single ontology The structure level manage different models The semantic level Taxonomies, access point
16 Entity level Example: Manage as a single ontology Liliana Grassi as creator Liliana Grassi as author With a description for each different aspect occurencesscopes
17 Navigate through an archive Fonds description Guides, finding aids Information systems Bibliography OPAC Loan service, document delivery
19 Topic Maps and FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) EXPRESSION MANIFESTATION WORK TOPIC OCCURRENCE Case of the model described above: manifestations are occurrences linked with an OPAC
20 Topic Maps and FRBR EXPRESSION MANIFESTATION WORK TOPIC OCCURRENCE ITEM Case of a library: items are occurrences linked with loan service software
24 Thanks to Paul Gabriele Weston, Fabio Ciotti, Paola Ciandrini, Flavia Giudice, Laura Bernini, Federica Biava, Ester Bucchi de Giuli, Marina Chiogna, Elettra de Lorenzo, Elena Giavari, Linda Giuzzi, Chiara Papalia, Roberta Pastorino
25 Thank you for your attention Questions? Salvatore Vassallo Cultural Heritage E-Libraries and Archives – University of Pavia
26 References DALF Digital Archives of Letter in Flanders - Dublin Core - EAC Encoded Archival Context - EAD Encoded Archival Description - EAG Encoded Archival Guide FRAR Functional Requirements for Authority Records FRBR Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Record ISAAR (CPF) International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families ISAD (G) General International Standard Archival Description MARC MAchine Readeable Record - MADS Metadata Authority Description Schema - Minerva Working Group 5: Handbook for quality in cultural web sites: improving quality for citizens MODS Metadata Object Description Schema - TEI Text Encoded Initiative -