Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation-Portable (GIIEP)


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Presentation transcript:

Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation-Portable (GIIEP) Executive Overview Briefing Presented By: U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command (SMDC)

OUTLINE Background Information - SMDC Space And Missile Defense Battle Lab (SMDBL) The Challenge The Requirements The Operational View The Integration Advantage Summary and Way Ahead

Space and Missile Defense (SMDC) Future Warfare Center (FWC) Deliver Space, Missile Defense, Information Operations, and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Innovations to the Warfighter in the field Concept Development Experimentation Prototyping In Support of Experimentation Rapid Capability Development Core Competencies Mr. John Buckley (Operational Lead) Contractor Ms. Terri Innes (Training Lead) Gov’t Mr. Curtis Miller (GIIEP Lead) Mr. Justin Novak (Technical Lead) Gov’t Mr. Dave Cox (Lead) Gov’t Space and Missile Defense (SMDC) Future Warfare Center (FWC) Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Headquarters The MC2GP team is a government and industry consortium lead by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command’s Future Warfare Center or SMDC FWC lead by Mr. Larry Burger, a member of the U.S. Army Senior Executive Service. You can see our core competencies, bottom line is we identify gaps, prototype solutions and rapidly transition technologies to the field. We are headquartered on Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Our core team is shown here. I am the chief of the Innovative Ventures Division within the FWC. Over the last 4 years I have been in the unique position as being a DoD civilian as well as being the Science and Technology lead for the Alabama Department of Homeland security, working directly for Director Walker. Mr. Justin Novak is the technical lead. His background includes being the lead systems engineer for the Virtual Alabama program and as a result winning five national awards for innovation . Ms. Terri Innes is our operational lead. She was the program manager for the SMDC and Alabama Department of Homeland Security FLAGSHIP program and is currently the lead for the C2 Gap Filler Joint Concept Technology Demonstration program that has its mission to share critical air surveillance data between Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security and Federal Aviation Administration systems. Mr. John Buckley is our Business Development lead and has been supporting me in that capacity for almost 20 years. Mr. Dave Cox is my counterpart as Chief of the Missile Defense Division and he brings the Advanced Warfare Environment or AWarE and multiple other personnel with “hands on experience” to the MC2GP program.

The Challenge DoD/Commercial Satellite Imagery products & Communications DoD/DHS/ Other Federal/State/Local Airborne/Land/Maritime Full Motion Video (FMV) & Imagery Products America’s Warfighters & First Responders have limited, TIMELY accessibility to the multitude of data sources/products available to them thereby creating a sub-optimal Situational Awareness (SA) environment Civilian/Commercial Airborne/Land/Maritime FMV & Imagery products The first responder problem description, as we have experienced, is shown here. There are multiple DoD, Department of Homeland Security, Federal, State, local, civilian and commercial airborne, land and maritime assets that are producing data products such as photography, imagery or full motion video, but little of that data is made available to first responders in either or timely or accurate way. This problem facing first responders is similar to those facing our soldiers, sailors and airman in the area of situational awareness. Everyone must have advanced situational awareness that is achieved through exchange of data between multiple users, so that all users, from the highest headquarters down to the vital first responder, can view the Common Operational Picture or COP and easily collaborate via both voice and data. This would improve streamlined decision making exploiting superior situational awareness and modern collaboration tools. The technology is available today, but due to market forces such as use of proprietary systems, the necessity to use unique hardware and the lack of understanding of products developed for the military that can be used by the civil authorities, there seems to be multiple answers but none cost effective or interoperable with other systems. These are the same challenges that face the FWC in the military market. It therefore becomes a programmatic issue of leadership not knowing that there are cost effective, available solutions thereby resulting in first responders looking for their own unique solutions. This is what has made the FWC so successful over the years……..breaking down the barriers, building partnerships and creating a transparent environment so that critical technologies can get to the hands of the ones that need it most. Terrestrial Commercial/DoD Communications America’s First Responders DoD/DHS/Other Federal/State/Local Common Operational Picture (COP) products America’s Warfighters

GIIEP Derived Requirements to meet the Challenge Provide an operational capability that has the maturity to meet the following requirements supporting Warfighting and Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) Missions: Process, exploit and disseminate EO/IR Full Motion Video (FMV) from producing assets. FMV will be accessible by U.S. Air Force Air Operations Center ‘s (AOC) and other Joint, Inter-Agency and Multi-National (JIM) Operations Centers, Incident Command Posts and Headquarters. FMV will have a full “TIVO Like” capability for analysis functionality. Process and disseminate still imagery from producing assets (Space/Air/Ground/Maritime). All FMV and still photography will be associated with organic Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and be accessible to the most disadvantaged users through web-access. Constant communications will be maintained between JIM facilities and producing assets. This includes collaboration capabilities such as white boarding, graphics dissemination, data distribution and Common Operational Picture (COP). Provide a “Blue Force Tracking” like capability for air/ground assets and share that data with all JIM assets. And Be Affordable and Non-Proprietary Distribution A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

GIIEP Operational View (OV)-1 Commercial and Military Space/Overhead Imagery Products Iridium/GlobalStar Link 16 Net Processing Centers/ Eagle Vision (T/R) Collaboration+ Still Photo + Location Position Location Provides both Workstation Based and Distributed Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) Services to ANY User Collaboration + Still Photo + Location NRT FMV Strategic Assets Sprint/3G FMV Existing FMV Producers (T/R ) (T/R ) (T/R ) (T ) IP Based to End-User (Up to 500 Clients) (T) National Guard /DoD Assets Civil Assets Civil and/or Military Disadvantaged User (Web Page) Full Motion Video (FMV) Imagery/Still Photography Image/Video Exploitation Chat Collaboration Location/GPS Joint Incident Scene Operation Centers/Advantaged User Tactical Line-Of-Sight (LOS) (ROVER/Other) SMDC/NGB Developed/Government Owned Imagery/Video Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination System Distribution A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

Integration Advantage Blue Red ROVER Data Intelligence Preparation Distributive, CollaborativePlanning Intelligence Preparation Of BattleSpace AWarE Tactical Feeds - USMTF C2PC OTH -Gold DIS JCDB Radar Feeds TADIL-J COT (XML) CIXS AWarE, GIIEP & AVE Software - FBCB2/BFT TIBS (IBS) TDDS Other -- KML -- Shape Files Blue Red Video Processing, Exploitation & Dissemination Windows-based MS Office MS Tools CJMTK/ARC GIS Falconview Google Earth USGS/Eagle Vision Imagery (ESRI/GOOGLE) Shared Situational Awareness Analysis

Summary & Way Ahead The SMDC in coordination with NGB, USAF A2U and AFNORTH will plan and execute fielding, training and sustainment of GIIEP within your State or Territory before 20 September 2010. The GIIEP will be releasable to .Mil/.Gov/.Com authorized users The GIIEP is designed to meet the challenges that face today’s first responders and warfighters. It is government owned and Non-Proprietary.