Entrepreneurship Development In IRAN THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL GEM CONFERENCE By: Dr. M. Ahmadpour Daryani (Assistant Professor, Tehran University) Sep IN THE NAME OF ALLAH
IRAN AT A GLANCE DATASUBJECT 70 ( Millions 2006) Population 331 (Billions of USD, 2009) GDP 4,530 (USD 2009) Income Per Capital(PPP) 9.4% (June 2010) Inflation 14.6% (Iran’s Government 2010) Unemployment IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2
Iran Entrepreneurship Facts & Assumption This report covers information since 1995 to % of Iran’s economical development is done by government sector This report does not include large scale firms. This report is based on my own researches and information provided by different ministries. IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship 3
Iran Entrepreneurship Facts & Assumption The concept of entrepreneurship in Iran is at the first stage of development. The perception of word of Entrepreneurship in Persian language means ”job creation” which has been so helpful to reinforce Entrepreneurship. The exact Number of different kind of Businesses are Unknown IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship 4
Iran Entrepreneurship Facts & Assumption Rate of Business Formation per year is Unknown The lack of appropriate strategy and comprehensive planning for Entrepreneurship development There has been unwritten document about entrepreneurship development All of the activities have been self-reliance and creativity of some devoted scholars & managers. The lack of supportive rules for Entrepreneurship development IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship 5
Comprehensive Entrepreneurship Model IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship Business Establishment Individual Family School University Entrepreneur President Parliament Government Supporters (Banks, Insurances, Media, NGOs…) AwarenessResearchEducationConsulting 6
Business & Ent. Development Model Starting 100,000 SMEs Starting 100,000 SMEs Consulting Institutions For Ent. Development Consulting Institutions For Ent. Development Training model for 100,000 Entrepreneurs Training model for 100,000 Entrepreneurs Economical Clusters In Provinces Economical Clusters In Provinces Business Environment and Regulations Business Environment and Regulations Government Development Strategy Development Strategy 7
Business & Ent. Development Model IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship 8
Business & Entrepreneurship Telescopic Model IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship Knowledge Technical Skills Work Experience Business Skills Management Financial English Language Marketing IT Entrepreneurship Skills Motivation Creativity Innovation Growth Need for Achievement Risk Taking Determination 9
IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship PERIOD PhD student – Met Dr. Awasti No entrepreneurship-books, articles, magazines, theses, course, professors, etc. Visiting E.D.I in India Buying 30 Ent. Books(India, Canada, UK, Hong kong) As a manager entered to Amir kabir Uni. proposed to develop the ent. Centers through science ministry. Starting research on 10 important selected topics. Starting up to 3 ent. Training courses 10
IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship PERIOD I refer you to my first English report at Tehran Uni. I refer you to my first English report at Tehran Uni. 11
IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship PERIOD Establishment of : Ent. Centers, Faculty, Science parks, Incubators. Starting of : Knowledge based SME(s), general SMEs(industrial parks, service industries), micro- SMEs and empowering self-employment. Supporting of : financial, marketing, consulting, insurance. Publishing of : books, magazines, web sites, articles, … 12
Ministry of Industry Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (Idro) Entrepreneurship development company of Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology Universities karad project 1- Entrepreneurship Center 2- Incubators 3- Science & Technology Park Department of Entrepreneurship in faculty of Management in University of Tehran Faculty of Entrepreneurship GEM journal of Entrepreneurship Development Ministry of Educaton development of "Entrepreneurshi p fundamentals "for Student Conference of "Entrepreneurs Student" Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Plan for starting 100,000 SMEs labour Institute (education & training -72 hours) support of Entrepreneurship University support of entrepreneurs (Mehre Imam Reza) publish new books & entrepreneurship Encyclopedia establishing Entrepreneurship Center in all Government Organization home business Law Ministry of Interior's Tehran municipality other Goverment Organization Presidential Technology Cooperation Office ministry of Cooperatives Ministry of Helath &medical Education Ministry of Petroleum ministry of Jihad- e agriculture National Youth Organization of Ir an state welfare organization foundation of martyrs & veterans affair IRIB NGO's Iranian entrepreneurs home The Association of Iranian Women Entrepreneurs (AIWE) Women and Youth Entrepreneurship Development Foundation Imam khomeini Relief Foundation Entrepreneurship Development Path
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Industry Ministry) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECTUNITDESCRIPTION IDRO( Entrepreneurial BP(s) 1100 Started Businesses 300 Knowledge based Enterprises Loans 30 bt ISIPO( Industrial Parks 616 Started SME(s) Enterprises Job Employment 510,000 Persons Training 240,000 Persons 14
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Science Ministry) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECTUNITDESCRIPTION Entrepreneurship centers 107 Amir Kabir, Tehran, Sharif, Azad, Shiraz, Semnan,Zahedan, Allameh, … Universities Entrepreneurship Courses 9 Graduate 6 – Undergraduate 4 Semnan,Zahedan, Allameh Entrepreneurship Faculty 1 Tehran University Entrepreneurship Students Mostly Graduate Books 268 Articles 592 Theses 154 M.Sc 139 – PhD 15 Researches 24 Web Sites 120* 15
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Science Ministry) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECTUNITDESCRIPTION Science Parks 23 Incubator Centers 67 With 20 Branches Registered Knowledge Based Businesses 2,000 Job Employment 12,000 Entrepreneurship Certified Courses 900 For Azad University Faculty members 16
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Labor Ministry) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECTUNITDESCRIPTION Enterprise s 300,000 BP submitted Started businesses 140,000 Implemented and financed Job Employment 450,000 persons Loan 1,800 bt Training 25,000 persons 17
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Vice-President of Science and Technology office) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECT INVESTMENT ENTERPRISEDESCRIPTION Supporting Activities Start up High tech Companies, Investment, Marketing, Consulting Technology Development Fund 80 bt51 Elites Institute 8bt40 Pardis Technology Park 110 bt85 Nano Development Institute 3bt40 Article 3 of Budget Law 70bt40 SUM 271bt256 18
Establishment categories Start ups Incubators SME’s type 1 Multi Tenant Building SME’s type 2 Lands Second Incubator: Elites Technology incubator PTP Since 2009 Pardis MTB Independent research center Since 2008 Since 2003 First Incubator: Sharif Advanced Technology Incubator (Sharif university of technology) Since
More than 650 requests for membership; More than $ 1 Billion turnover in member companies; More than 500 technology registration; Creating more than 5000 jobs for experts and Entrepreneurs in phase I; In more than 50% of companies, university professors are managers; High quality infrastructures. Members : 85 Hi-tech companies provide more than 80% of total investment 20
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECTUNITDESCRIPTION Training 720,000 Self-Employment 270,000 Agricultural and handy craft services and industries Micro-Loans Per Capita 4.7 Millions of Toman Supporting Activities Free consulting for Marketing of Goods, Insurance services, Saving Fund 21
IRAN’s Entrepreneurship Performance (Interior & Municipalities Ministry) IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship SUBJECTUNITDESCRIPTION Entrepreneurship Centers 71 Training 100,000 Persons SMEs 150 Incubators Women ent. training 5,000 Persons in 30 Provinces Ent. Workshops
IRAN REPORT IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICE-2010) )First International Conference on Entrepreneurship 23 We look ahead and still long way to go