HEAnet National Networking Conference 2009 Fáilte go Cill Chainnigh Arís ! 12 th November 2009 John Boland, Chief Executive
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SPONSORS Making it economically viable !
Conference Bag Technology Wireless Mouse Sponsored by 8Mbp USB Stick Sponsored by Conference Bag Sponsored by Contents Include ….
Sponsoring the Gala Dinner Sponsoring the Welcome Reception Sponsoring the Lunch (Fri 13 th Nov) Conference Sponsors
Sponsoring Wireless Connectivity Sponsoring the Tea/Coffee Station Sponsoring Broadband Internet Access Conference Sponsors
Exhibitors Adding a touch of Innovation !
***** Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors ***** Conference Exhibitors
Evaluation Forms Returned ! First 30 in main auditorium at on Friday morning ! = Prizes
Fill in an evaluation form and you could win one of these ! Kindly Donated by Microsoft Or … Microsoft Xbox 360
… two of these Kindly Donated by Apple Apple iPOD Nano Black x1 Silver x1
Opening Address Tom Boland Chief Executive of the HEA Chairman of the Board of HEAnet
Strategic Highlights in 2009 and beyond …
Services Evaluation Group (SEG) Terms of Reference 1.To evaluate the introduction of potential new services or expansion of services as proposed by Clients 2.To evaluate the introduction of potential new services or expansion of services as proposed by HEAnet / NREN collaboration 3.To evaluate the relevancy of existing services within the HEAnet services portfolio with regard to uptake and other appropriate metrics 4.Establish & Track Annual Service Development Plan 5.SEG Membership drawn from HEAnet and Client representatives
SEG Delivery Highlights 2009 Service Resiliency (path, PoP, power, equipment) Edugate Federated Access HEAnet/O2 Mobile Broadband Scheme WiMax Trial at DCU 4,000 School Broadband Programme Refresh Schools 100Mbit/s Programme Server Certificates (SSL) HD Video Conference Roll-Out (2 phases) Multimedia Content Service (Federated) Collaborative Software – Community License Agreement Services Evaluation Group (SEG)
SEG: Services Currently Under Evaluation National Data Centre Education TV Spam Filtering Service Commodity IP Commodity Storage Network Management Client Dashboard Services Evaluation Group (SEG)
Conference Workshops
Federation How can we make Federation easy? Federated access is hard (at first) HEAnet can deploy and integrate Shibboleth and simpleSAMLphp on your campus HEAnet’s Edugate Resource Registry is your configuration web-service for Shibboleth and simpleSAMLphp HEAnet can manage your institutions user consent and attribute release policy
Federation (x5) Workshop No. 1: Federating your Users’ Identities Wednesday – Workshop No. 2: Federating with Microsoft Thursday – Workshop No. 3: Federating with Mahara Thursday – Workshop No. 4: Federating with Google Apps Thursday – Workshop No. 5: Data Protection in a Federated World Friday – 12.30
Security (x2) Workshop No. 1: Hack the Network Wednesday – Workshop No. 3: Hack the Network Thursday – Workshop No. 2: Combating Abuse Thursday – Workshop No. 4: Combating Abuse Friday – 12.30
Schools Broadband Network % HEAnet backbone availability since inception in 2005 (Source: Norcontel Schools Broadband Programme Evaluation Report 2009) Single day high of 3,745 (out of 4,000) schools connecting to Internet 2,850 schools connecting daily (approx. monthly average) Phase II Roll-Out Commencing Q »Significant increases in bandwidth (typically, up from 2Mbps to 7Mbps) »Large reduction in satellite connections (from 1,850 to 127 schools) »8 Telcos interconnecting with HEAnet in Phase II
Schools Network Traffic Profile Two Year Period: Nov 2007 to Oct 2009
Schools 100Mbit/s Programme Renewed Programme for Government to deliver 100Mbit/s connectivity to all post-primary schools (approx. 735) Programme sponsored by DCENR DCENR requested that HEAnet manage network Leverages public investment in HEAnet backbone network We acknowledge client community support re interconnecting schools across the country at campus PoP locations Initial pilot of 78 schools to be connected by 1 April 2010 All post-primary schools to be connected by 2012
Co-location Fast and reliable connection to the HEAnet network Dual network connections Dual power feeds IP Multicast connectivity Hands-Off Management –Managed data centre environment –Remote power access –Remote Keyboard, Video and Mouse access –“Hands and Eyes” Service Optional Add-On s –High performance storage
HEAnet PoPs Blanchardstown PoP: 8 new cabs for managed services and 8 cabinets for Client Co-location equipment. Parkwest PoP: 21 cabinets for HEAnet and additional 10 cabinets for Co-location.
Networking in East/Southern Africa DANTE has investigated the status of networking and NRENs in Eastern/Southern Africa as part of: Fibre is emerging in and between countries/continents NRENs are being established and the UbuntuNet Alliance is operational An EC project is proposed to stimulate the development of NRENs: AfricaConnect Twinning between European and African NREN is a method to help this development and HEAnet is looking into this (as we speak) If clients/users have working relations with Eastern/Southern African institutes; please let us know, so we can include this as part of evaluating a possible twinning. 26
Eastern/ Southern Africa Existing New
Conference Posters
Service Resilience
Service Resilience: Project Timeline 15 Months Deployment Still on course as per original schedule Dual connectivity Paths to clients Complete Diverse PoP connectivity completed Q Power Resilience actively worked 10 PoP sites CPE tender evaluation Complete Deployment Dec -> Mar
National Information & Communication Technology Survey October 2009 – launch of a National ICT Survey - a joint endeavour by HEAnet and RCSI Survey studies the use of, and attitudes to technology by third level students in Ireland Current Stats.: ca respondents from 10 Institutions To participate online: For further information contact: Eric Mike Naomi
Conference Programme Network evolution Wireless Strategy Green Agenda Cloud Computing IP Addressing crisis
Out-of-hours NOC 2008 – pilot of 24 x 7 NOC 2009 – 24 x 7 x 365 NOC for P1 outages Evolution & Revolution The HEAnet network continues to evolve: 2008/9 – Major Network Evolution 2009/10 – Network Resilience project Software Development Building custom software to better manage and monitor customer services
Video content streaming for your users Mirror services etc Getting more from our fibre Strategic Partnership 1500 km fibre ring High quality spec. Evolution & Revolution
1470nm1490nm1510nm1530nm1550nm1570nm1590nm1610nm Up to 16DWDM channels insertion into one 1550nm CWDM filter nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 0.8nm spacing 20nm spacing Evolution & Revolution
Wireless Strategy A national quality affordable MNO wireless service Rollout emerging security middleware strategies - national E&R Federation - eduroam Build expertise on NG wireless (WIMAX or others) by supporting and assessing nominated trials Apply to COMREG for sectoral Wireless licences Conduct annual and mid term review
Sept 2007Sept 2008 Sept 2009 No. of wired versus wireless devices on a University Campus Feb 2007 to Oct 2009 Wireless Strategy
O2 Broadband Deal HEAnet renegotiated its existing mobile broadband offer from O2 as at 1 st September 2009 with an improved price plan. The offer will be available to HEAnet Clients and Staff and Students at HEAnet Client Institutions. There are two options: 1) A one-year contract at €9.99 a month 2) A rolling 30-day contract at €12.99 a month With both options a modem + SIM device is available at €20. E220 modem. 7.2Mbit/s down, 384kbit/s up 10GB limit/month, fair usage applies
How Green can we afford to be
Dundalk Institute of Technology Environmental Protection Agency Investigating RE Sources
The Cloud What is 'The Cloud?' Does it have a silver lining? What are the pros and cons? What's the technology behind the marketing? Are all clouds created equal? What's on the 'cloud' market today? What's in it for me / my organisation?
The Cloud Case studies: Paul Doyle (DIT) Aidan McDonald (Cork IT) Ruth Lynch (UCD) The commercial / educational aspects of cloud: Michael D. King (Vice President, IBM Global Education Industry) chocolategirl64
IPv4 crunch Expect to bite in months Business & strategic coverage Help to build a business case
This is how we pictured the transition 15 years ago: Transition plan IPv6 Deployment IPv4 Pool Size Size of the Internet IPv6 Transition using Dual Stack Time Geoff Huston,
This is where we are now: Transition plan IPv6 Deployment IPv4 Pool Size Size of the Internet IPv6 Transition Today Time ? Geoff Huston,
HEAnet’s IP Strategy Strand 1 Prepare our business for IPv4 depletion Strand 2 Make a working IPv6 only service that interoperates with IPv4 Strand 3 Support our customers and partners in the transition
The €5 billion SNIP An Bord Snip Nua Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes Chairman: Mr Colm McCarthy, Schools of Economics, University College Dublin
The Shared Services Agenda A Definition of Shared Services An organisation model centred on achieving value for money by bringing together activities previously performed in many units/organisations into a single or small number of centres, in order to perform routine or specialised processes more efficiently and effectively
Shared Services Examples of Shared Services initiatives in the sector HEAnet !! An Chéim Access Federation Contract Services Manager Schools leveraging E&R Backbone High Performance Computing ICT and Networking Conferences
Shared Services - investigationservices High Performance Computing –Integration of ICHEC into HEAnet ICT and Networking Conferences
IPtv HEAnet is investigating an education & research broadcast channel using IPTV over our network. The technical resources and expertise already exists within Ireland’s third-level institutions. The creation, management and distribution of broadcast media would have immediate value for researchers, teachers and students. If successfully demonstrated, such an infrastructure for educational broadcasting could be converted into a platform for national and international distribution of content promoting Irish enterprise and scholarship.