A great university: a great library New Information Space and Place: The Research Library in the Digital Age Joseph J. Branin Director of Libraries, the.


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Presentation transcript:

A great university: a great library New Information Space and Place: The Research Library in the Digital Age Joseph J. Branin Director of Libraries, the Ohio State University III International Conference on University Libraries Mexico City October 28-29, 2004

Changes in Space and Place for Research Libraries in the Digital Age 1. Information Space : The evolution of collections work in research libraries: from collection development to collection management to knowledge management  Why and how we have evolved towards knowledge management  The Knowledge Bank project at the Ohio State University: building a knowledge management system 2. Learning Place: The integration of active teaching and learning into the physical and virtual research library  Designing learning places: physical and virtual  The renovation of the William Oxley Thompson (Main) Library at the Ohio State University

From Collection Development to Knowledge Management : Collection Development : Collection Management :Knowledge Management

: Collection Development Major environmental factors Rapid growth in scholarship and libraries Rise of government sponsored research Professionalization of collection management Collection development Acquisitions and selection Collection building

Increase in Mathematical Literature Andrew M. Odlyzko, Tragic loss or good riddance? The Impending demise of traditional scholarly journals. Notices Amer. Math Soc. 42 (January 1995), 49

UNESCO Worldwide Annual Book Titles “Trends in Scientific Scholarly Journal Publishing in the US,” Tenopir and King Annual publications in Mathematics, Andrew Odlyzko, AT&T Bell Laboratories Growth of Publication

Continuing Growth of Publication OCLC: 2004 Information Format Trends

Professionalization of Collection Management  Charles Osburn, Academic research and library resources: changing patterns in America, 1979  Allen Kent, Use of library material: The University of Pittsburgh study, 1979  American Library Association, Collection Management Institutes and Guidelines, 1980’s

: Collection Management Major environmental factors budget constraints commercialization of scholarship in the sciences new digital technology Collection management agenda collection policy development materials budget allocation collection analysis use and user studies training and organization of collection managers preservation cooperative collection development

Cooperative Collection Development  Farmington Plan of the 1950s and 1960s  National Periodicals Center of the 1970s  RLG Conspectus of the 1980s  OhioLink created in 1993  Lessons Learned: power of local autonomy, highly decentralized system, difficulty of moving print around, new opportunities in digital environment

Advances in the Digital InformationTechnology: Growth of the Internet In 1996 there were 90,000 Web sites, and it is estimated that the Web doubles in size every 50 days with a new homepage added every 4 seconds (Nicholas Negroponte, Wired Magazine, )

Growth of the Web Web Characterization Project Web Characterization Project

Type of Library Use by Group and Academic Area Faculty Health Sciences Humanities/Soc Science Science/Engineering All Faculty Graduate Students Health Sciences Humanities/Soc Science Science/Engineering All Graduate Students Visit in person Use office computer Use home computer University of Washington Library Newsletter Winter 2002

User Priorities  Delivering full-text to the desktop  Providing electronic full-text access to older journals  Maintaining the quality of the Libraries' print collection University of Washington Library Newsletter Winter 2002

:Knowledge Management Major environmental factors New digital opportunities and threat Ownership and control issues with the scholarly record Knowledge management Managing print and digital information systems Consortia collections Enterprise-wide content management Web Publishing Information policy Reforming Scholarly Publishing

Managing Print Collections in the Digital Age  Using digital technology to better manage print collections Bibliographic control, document delivery, reformatting through digitization  The future of print in a digital information system The “physicality” of print  The “storage center” option for infrequently-used material Preservation, cooperation, last copy retention

Touch of Print: Making Sense of Information

Library Storage Needs Low Memorial Library 1894 Butler Library 1934

Overcrowded Shelving Conditions

Less-than-ideal Storage Conditions

Ohio LINK Database Searches: Cumulated Monthly

Article Downloads from the OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center

Cost Effective Purchasing Power Average Annual Journal Cost Increase for Typical Academic Research College Library Average Annual Cost Increase for Journals Licensed Through OhioLINK 2001 vs vs % 6.1% 8.0% 4.5%

Knowledge Management Basics 1.Data, information, and knowledge 2.Tacit and explicit knowledge 3.The dynamic and social nature of knowledge management Peter Drucker, The Coming of the new organization, Harvard Business Review, 1988 Special issue on Knowledge Management in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2002

Knowledge Management Definitions Data = simple, discrete facts and figures Information = data organized for a meaningful purpose Knowledge = Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experience and information. It originates and is applied in the minds of knowers. In organizations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents and repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms. ( Davenport and Prusak, Working Knowledge, 1998 )

Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Formally articulated Documented Stored in repositories Reports, lessons learned Fixed, codified Transferred through conversations Difficult to articulate or unspoken Held within self, personal Insight and understanding Judgments, assumptions From Claire McInernye, JASIST, 2002

The Nature of Knowledge Management  Knowledge happens in and among people; it is the social life of information  Inclusive or enterprise-wide view of data, information, and knowledge Managing expertise Creating a culture of learning and of sharing knowledge  Dynamic process of creation, elicitation, and sharing

Huntington Archive: Asian Art

The Knowledge Bank Broadly Defined The OSU Knowledge Bank project proposes to create a knowledge management system for the University that will support the creation, organization, storage, and dissemination of the institution’s digital information assets. The Knowledge Bank will be both a “referatory” providing links to digital objects and a “repository” capable of archiving the increasing volume of digital content created at OSU for long-term use and preservation

Digital Knowledge Bank at OSU  Online Published Material E-books, e-journals, government documents, handbooks  Online Reference Tools Catalogs, indexes, dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories  Online Information Services Scholar’s portal, alumni portal, chat reference, online tutorials,, e-reserves, e-course packs, technology help center  Electronic Records Management  Administrative Data Warehouse  Digital Publishing Assistance Pre-print services E-books, e-journal support Web site development and maintenance  Faculty Research Directory  Digital Institutional Repository Digital special collections Rich media (multimedia) Data sets and files Theses/dissertations Faculty publications, pre- publications, working papers Educational materials Learning objects Course reserves/E-course pack materials Course Web sites  Information Policy  Research/Development in Digital Information Services User needs studies Applying best practice Assistance with Technology Transfer

 The Ohio State University Libraries, Chief Information Officer, Office of Research, University Press, Academic faculty and technologists  OhioLINK Digital Media Center, Electronic Journals Center, Chat Reference (Ohio Super Computer Center, Ohio Learning Network)  OCLC, Chemical Abstracts  MIT: DSpace Federation Cooperative and Enterprise Approach to Building the Knowledge Bank

Examples of New Approaches at the Ohio State University  Open access dissertations Open Access : the free availability of scholarly literature on the public Internet ( Open Access News at ) ArXiv Directory of Open Access Journals Public Library of Science NIH Proposal  Sharing and management of images and sounds Squeeze collection Bird sounds  Wetlands Research Center papers and reports  Open access e-books and journals Out-of-print University Press titles (with Press) Journals in Slavic Studies and in Music (with Departments E-book on e-government (with Glenn Center)

Examples of New Approaches at the Ohio State University  Open access dissertations  Sharing and management of images and sounds Squeeze collection Bird sounds  Wetlands Research Center papers and reports  Open access e-books and journals Out-of-print University Press titles (with Press) Journals in Slavic Studies and in Music (with Departments E-book on e-government (with Glenn Center)

Examples of New Approaches at the Ohio State University  Open access dissertations  Sharing and management of images and sounds Squeeze collection Bird sounds  Wetlands Research Center papers and reports  Open access e-books and journals Out-of-print University Press titles (with Press) Journals in Slavic Studies and in Music (with Departments E-book on e-government (with Glenn Center)

Examples of New Approaches at the Ohio State University  Open access dissertations  Sharing and management of images and sounds Squeeze collection Bird sounds  Wetlands Research Center papers and reports  Open access e-books and journals Out-of-print University Press titles (with Press) Journals in Slavic Studies and in Music (with Departments E-book on e-government (with Glenn Center)

Worldwide Resources Columbus & Ohio Resources OSU Central Databases OSU Academic Unit Databases OSU Faculty Data Knowledge Bank Engine Internet OARNet OSU SONNET Network The OSU Knowledge Bank Unified Access Knowledge Bank Team Diverse Sources Integrated Information Leadership Training Coordination Standards Technical Support Business Partnerships Collaborative Research Enriched Instruction + New Technology Trusted Archive

New Roles for the Knowledge Manager  Librarians “can no longer meet the information needs of faculty and students through the traditional avenue of simply adding to their collections.” ( Battin and Hawkins, Mirage of Continuity, 1998)  New Roles Managing knowledge content (working more closely with faculty and students to design, organize, and maintain a broader range of digital assets.) Using information technology to create new organizational (metadata), retrieval (discovery), and storage (preservation) options More active role in the educational and research mission of university (integrating information resources and services in course and research projects) Active educators: teaching students and faculty information literacy

Learning Place: the “Research Library” as a “Teaching Library”  Growing importance on “information literacy” in the open access, networked environment of the public Internet Growth of library instruction New Reference Techniques Net Tutor  Connecting information resources to teaching Course Management Systems Course reserves, learning objects, curriculum materials  New learning space design in library facilities

Service Trends in ARL Libraries,

Thompson Library Renovation  $99 million 8 year project  Feasibility Study 2000 – 2002  Design Work 2002 – 2004  Construction

New Learning Space Design in Libraries  Balance between collections and user space  Open office or studios for library staff  Robust information technology infrastructure  Attention to social amenities: café, lighting, displays, soft furniture,  Variety of spaces: quiet, private, gathering places, much more group study, very flexible meeting and teaching space  Space for events and programs: exhibits, lectures, seminars, working groups, multimedia studio work

The Original Reading Room

The Current Reading Room

Proposed Restoration

Renovated Thompson Library at Ohio State University

Changes in Space and Place for Research Libraries in the Digital Age 1. Information Space : The evolution of collections work in research libraries: from collection development to collection management to knowledge management  Why and how we have evolved towards knowledge management  The Knowledge Bank project at the Ohio State University: building a knowledge management system 2. Learning Place: The integration of active teaching and learning into the physical and virtual research library  Designing learning places: physical and virtual  The renovation of the William Oxley Thompson (Main) Library at the Ohio State University Thank You! Muchas Gracias!