Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH Post-Romanow Pharmacare: Reflections on the Shifting Landscape Steve Morgan, PhD Centre for Health Services and Policy Research University of British Columbia
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH The coverage landscape: Under- and Un-insured for Routine Drug Costs Source: Applied Management (2000) "Canadians’ Access to Insurance for Prescription Medicines Volume 2”
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH The coverage landscape continued: Under- and Un-insured for Catastrophic Costs Source: Applied Management (2000) "Canadians’ Access to Insurance for Prescription Medicines Volume 2”
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH The financial landscape Source: CIHI and Statistics Canada
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH What did Romanow recommend? Universal “mixed” pharmacare –Catastrophic coverage for all Canadians –First-dollar coverage for vulnerable –Disease management Agency/network for –Drug regulation –Drug policy –Outcomes and policy research
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH What are policy makers seeing?
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH The Shifting Landscape?
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH The financial landscape Source: CIHI and Statistics Canada
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH The demographic landscape Source: Statistics Canada
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH What are policy makers doing?
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH Drug cost control Common Drug Review –Standards of evidence? –Level of impact? Reference drug pricing –BC’s = RDP –MB & SK = MAC Terms of coverage …
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH Health Services Minister Colin Hansen, 24 February 2003
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH Pros/Cons of income-based plans Politically –Fairness resonates / Seniors backlash Access to medicines –Non-senior benefits / Incentive effects Equity –Non-seniors gain / Chronically ill may lose Efficiency –“Holding the tail of the elephant”
Centre for H EALTH S ERVICES AND P OLICY R ESEARCH What next? … Need agency / network of agencies –Quebec leading example?? Post-marketing outcomes research –Requires data & expertise BC leading example?? Evidence-based policy –Requires political commitment & research BC leading example??