University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 1 Victor S. Frost Director, Information & Telecommunication Technology Center Dan F. Servey Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science An Overview of the Information & Telecommunication Technology Center
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 2 ITTC - Mission and Vision Mission –To provide an interdisciplinary research environment that capitalizes on partnerships with industry and government entities to develop technologies and advance knowledge in information technologies, telecommunications, and sensors –Advance education and training of students –Support Kansas companies and national industries through the transfer of technological innovation
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 3 What is Information & Telecommunication Technology? Voice, Data, Video, Multimedia, Image, Electronic Transactions, Resource Discovery Healthcare, Government Services, Business, Environmental Monitoring, Education, Life-Long Learning High Speed Networks, Switching Systems, Advanced Signaling Systems Fiber Transmission Systems, Wireless Networks, Cable Systems, Satellite Systems, Twisted Pair, Copper Loops, Broadcast, Cellular Applications Services Bitways
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 4 Communications academic emphasis and research programs established in 1983, radar and radar sensing emphasis in 1964 Graduated students with telecommunications emphasis –degrees in EE, CS, CoE, Math 29 faculty, 15 staff researchers, 6 Center staff Current student population ~ 125 –~15 Ph.D., ~85 M.S., ~25 B.S. Unique Facilities –Unique high-speed networking laboratory including a fiber connection to a long-distance fiber network –Lightwave laboratory, including 8 and 16 wavelength systems, OC-192 test equipment –Networking laboratory, including ATM and IP Wide Area Networks –Digital signal processing and wireless laboratory with high frequency capabilities –Radar and microwave equipment with up to 40 GHz capabilities –Extensive computing facilities - ~500 computers and 0.7 TB of storage ITTC Overview
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 5 Research Thrust Areas Networking and Distributed Processing Intelligent Systems & Information Management Wireless Communications and DSP Optical Communications Systems Radar Systems and Remote Sensing
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 6 Vision for the Intelligent Systems and Information Management Laboratory Enable new customer services, and applications based on distributed and heterogeneous information sources and computing resources Advance our understanding of distributed information systems
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 7 Vision for the Networking and Distributed Systems Laboratory Develop algorithms, protocols, performance prediction methods and measurement techniques to support the development and deployment of future communications networks Advance our understanding of communications networks and distributed systems
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 8 Vision for the Wireless Communications & Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Develop efficient and flexible software radios to increase the capacity and functionality of future wireless communications systems Advance our understanding of wireless communications systems
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 9 Vision for the Lightwave Communications Systems Laboratory Create new optical and networking technologies to give information flows direct access to high capacity wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems. Increase the efficiency and flexibility of future networks using existing fiber infrastructure Develop the enabling technology for all optical networks Advance the understanding of lightwave communications systems
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 10 Vision for the Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory Develop new microwave remote sensing instruments (radar and radiometers) Apply remote sensing techniques to pervasive problems –Detection of antipersonnel and antitank land mines –Monitoring global climate change by measuring polar ice sheet thickness –Estimation of surface wind speed over the ocean for global weather forecasts Create new collection and signal processing techniques for extracting information from remote sensing data Advance the understanding of remote sensing through better fundamental models of sensor-target interaction
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 11 ITTC Expenditures Last 3 year total = $17.15 Million
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 12 Funding Sources DARPADARPA DOEDOE NSFNSF USAF & US ArmyUSAF & US Army NASANASA NIHNIH SprintSprint Adaptive BroadbandAdaptive Broadband NECNEC NortelNortel TRWTRW KTECKTEC Examples of recent sponsors
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 13 Some of the Research Facilities at the University of Kansas Information & Telecommunications Technology Center Adaptive Computing Wireless & DSP Lightwave & Optics Networking & Systems Remote Sensing
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 14 Some of the Research Facilities at the University of Kansas Information & Telecommunications Technology Center 2.4 Gb/s Fiber Terminal 25 Mb/s Wireless System 20 Gb/s WDM Lightwave System 40 Gb/s WDM Lightwave System Internet Backbone IP Router
University of Kansas A KTEC Center of Excellence 15 Summary The University of Kansas brings together academic and research expertise as well as the facilities required for the innovative development of information technology –Networking and Distributed Systems –Network Based Software Applications –Lightwave Communications Systems –Wireless and Digital Signal Processing –Microwave, Radar Systems and Remote Sensing It is our goal to remain at the forefront of the creation of the enabling technologies for the information economy