Conditions Database for Minerva Jaewon Park University of Rochester MINERvA/Jupiter group meeting, Nov 07, 2007
2 Overview What’s included in CondDb. Alignment Readout Slow/fast control calibration Ex/DetCondExample/v7r7 (sort of old ver.) Example package for LHCb CondDb. Ex/DetCondExample/v11r2 (recent ver.) A little bit reorganized structure.
6 Xml-based Data base CondDb uses xml files. Examples are shown next slides Xml string can be put to actual Db server via C OOL package. What if we need to access Heidi’s hardware D b from Gaudi framework? It’s possible to convert conventional Db to Xml Db. Pmt calibration, … Is it safe to have mutiple Dbs?
7 Alignment Example XML file Referring to data in real Db
8 Calibration 1. Readout
9 Slowconstrol 20. Fastcontrol 5.
10 Velo/Modules Alignment (v11r2)
11 Running test program I could run a test program that reads file-based Db and prints out the values. I couldn’t test example that works with actual Db. The package includes: Algorithm that fills xml to Db. Algorithm that loads xml from Db. A script that creates Db. A script that copies xml to Db.
12 Update Manager Service
14 What we’ll need Alignment data It should be given to reconstruction package(i.e. trac ker finder, track fitter) and calibration package. DAQ Conditions/calibration It should be given to Sergei’s Readout packages. Cosmic calibration Need calibration package that calculate calibration d ate. The calibration output will be used to other packages.
15 Mapper software Using root Read Leo’s manual scan data text file in new Framew ork. Some of code is imported from old one. Plan to add a piece that handle binary data from real mapper DAQ. What’s been done Basic framework and data class Data is organized into tree structure, so easy to handle for furt her complicated analysis Pedestal curve is fitted and pedestal shift is calculated. Transverse scan fit is progress.
17 Lorenzian functions doesn’t fit data. Asymmetric Tail points are higher than curve