PRÍTOMNÝ PRIEBEHOVÝ ČAS PRESENT CONTINUOUS Mgr.Anna Görnerová ZŠ Moskovská Banská Bystrica Anglický jazyk 6.ročník ZŠ.


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Presentation transcript:

PRÍTOMNÝ PRIEBEHOVÝ ČAS PRESENT CONTINUOUS Mgr.Anna Görnerová ZŠ Moskovská Banská Bystrica Anglický jazyk 6.ročník ZŠ + sloveso + ing What are you doing? I am drawing. Prítomný priebehový čas používame, ak hovoríme o činnosti, ktorá práve prebieha.Používame ho teda aj pri opise obrázku.

Pravidlá tvorenia koncovky „ing“ v slovesách. What are they doing? Sing + ing = singing. They are singing. Väčšina slovies jednoducho priberá koncovku ing.

What is he doing? Drive + ing = driving He is driving the car very fast. Koncové e v slovesách sa vynecháva.

What are they doing? Sit +t +t + ing = sitting They are sitting on the graas. V krátkych jednoslabičných slovách sa posledná spoluhláska zdvojuje.

What is he doing ? Play + ing = playing He is playing hockey. Koncové y v slovesách zostáva.

Oznamovacie vety kladné : podmet + be ing am Podmet are is Peter is sleeping /now/. They are washing up /at the moment/. Preložte: /Ja/ Čítam noviny. I am reading the newspaper.

Oznamovacie vety záporné. Podmet + be + not + I am not listening to music this morning. = I´m not listening to music this morning. My parents are not watching TV. =My parents aren´t watching TV. Preložte: Zuzka sa nehrá počítačové hry. Sue is not playing computer games. Sue isn´t playing computer games.

Otázky. /opytov.zámeno / + be + podmet + /what, where, why, when, who, how..../ Is he riding a horse? Krátka odpoveď: Yes, he is. No, he isn´t. Where are they sitting? Odpoveď: They are sitting at school. Preložte: Počúvate teraz rádio? Are you listening to the radio now? Prečo skáčete? Why are you jumping?

What is he doing? Plaing/ the/ is/ violin/ he He is playing the violin.

What are they doing? Are/ they/ football/ playing They are playing Football.

What are the boys doing? Boys/ computer games/ are/ the/ play The boys are playing computer games.

What is John doing? Carve/ John/ is/ John is carving.

Are they cooking? Yes /, /are / they Yes, they are.

Are they dancing? No/ aren´t/ they No, they aren´t.They are singing.

Is Mr.Davis watching TV? No, he isn´t. What is he doing? He is working with computer.

Little Amy / ride a horse Little Amy is riding a horse.

My father / climb/ a mountain My father is climbing a mountain. What a super feeling!

artist / paint The artist is painting a boy and a girl.

knights / fight The nights are fighting on a castle. Who is stronger?

my grandma / work My grandma is working in the garden.

my class / have a picnic My class is having a picnic in the park. Hmm...It must be very tasty!

Phil /not cut grass / water graas Phil isn´t cutting the grass,he is watering the grass.

People / not walk / stand and look at People aren´t walking, they are standing and looking at a show. This clown is funny

And what about you, Buddy? Are yuo having a rest? Yes,I´m sleeping and dreaming and....hŕŕŕ...

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