J/ production in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at √s = 200 GeV measured by PHENIX at RHIC Andry Rakotozafindrabe LLR – École Polytechnique (France) PHENIX Collaboration SQM 2006
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR2 Physics motivation The J/ is a promising hard probe to study the hot and dense matter created in relativistic heavy ion collisions : Produced in the early stages of the collision only and interacts with the surrounding medium Produced in the early stages of the collision only and interacts with the surrounding medium Changes to the J/ yield can be due to competing effects : Suppression by color screening in a deconfined medium Suppression by color screening in a deconfined medium Enhancement at RHIC energy due to recombination of uncorrelated cc pairs Enhancement at RHIC energy due to recombination of uncorrelated cc pairs Cold nuclear effects ( shadowing, nuclear absorption ) Cold nuclear effects ( shadowing, nuclear absorption ) p+p measurement is used as a reference, while d+Au measurement is used to evaluate the cold nuclear effects. At lower energy, NA50 (CERN) experiment measured an anomalous J/ suppression in Pb+Pb collisions, in excess of the normal suppression expected from the nuclear absorption. (NA50 Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B477 (2000) 28)
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR3 PHENIX detector J/ µ + µ – 1.2< |y| < 2.2 P µ > 2 GeV/c = 2 Tracking, momentum measurement with cathode strip chambers µ ID with penetration depth / momentum match J/ e + e – |y| < 0.35 P e > 0.2 GeV/c = Tracking, momentum measurement with drift chambers, pixel pad chambers e ID with EmCAL + RICH Centrality measurement, vertex position Beam-beam counters (charged particle production) Zero-degree calorimeters (spectator neutrons)
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR4 σ abs =1 mb RHIC : beyond cold nuclear effects ? Available d+Au data : Weak shadowing (modification of gluon distribution) and weak nuclear absorption () Weak shadowing (modification of gluon distribution) and weak nuclear absorption (σ abs ~ 1mb favored) Au+Au data : even compared to the « worst » σ abs ~ 3mb case Factor 2 of suppression Au+Au bin Factor 2 of suppression beyond cold effects in the most central Au+Au bin R dA Phys. Rev. Lett 96, (2006) 1 mb 3 mb rapidity σ abs =3 mb Suppression Factor ~ 2 Number of participants
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR5 RHIC vs SPS (I) : raw comparison SPS : √s ~ 17 GeV i.e. a factor 10 below RHIC √s ~ 17 GeV i.e. a factor 10 below RHIC Cold effect = σ abs = 4.18 ± 0.35 mb Cold effect = normal nuclear absorption σ abs = 4.18 ± 0.35 mb Maximum ε ~ 3 GeV/fm 3 (τ 0 = 1) Maximum ε ~ 3 GeV/fm 3 (τ 0 = 1) Compare to RHIC : Cold effect = σ abs ~ 1mb (Vogt, nucl- th/ ) Cold effect = shadowing + nuclear absorption σ abs ~ 1mb (Vogt, nucl- th/ ) Maximum ε ~ 5 GeV/fm 3 (τ 0 = 1), higher than at SPS, but still, the ! Maximum ε ~ 5 GeV/fm 3 (τ 0 = 1), higher than at SPS, but still, the same pattern of J/ suppression ! SPS normalized to NA51 p+p value (NA60 preliminary points from Arnaldi, QM05). NA50 Pb+Pb NA60 In+In PHENIX Au+Au PHENIX Cu+Cu PHENIX cold effect NA50 cold effect PHENIX : |y|~1.7
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR6 RHIC vs SPS (II) : extrapolating suppression models Suppression models in agreement with NA50 data overestimate the suppression when extrapolated at RHIC energies : quite striking for mid and most central Au+Au bins quite striking for mid and most central Au+Au bins already the case for Cu+Cu most central bins ? already the case for Cu+Cu most central bins ? (Hadronic?) co-mover scattering Direct suppression in a hot medium : Cu+CuAu+Au
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR7 Some recombination effects ? Adding some regeneration that partially compensates the suppression : there is a better agreement between the model and the data. Direct suppression in a hot medium : Cu+CuAu+Au Regeneration : Cu+CuAu+Au Total : Cu+CuAu+Au Grandchamp et al. hep-ph/
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR8 Recombination predictions for vs N coll Recombination ( Thews et al., nucl-th/ ) predicts a narrower p T distribution with an increasing centrality, thus leading to a lower Within the large error bars : seems to be consistent with a flat dependence seems to be consistent with a flat dependence falls data falls between the two hypothesis partial recombination ? p+p, d+Au, Cu+Cu, Au+Au No recombination With recombination No recombination With recombination Open markers : |y|<0.35 Solid markers : |y|~1.7
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR9 Recombination predictions vs rapidity Recombination ( Thews et al., nucl-th/ ) predicts a narrower rapidity distribution with an increasing N part. Going from p+p to the most central Au+Au : no significant change seen in the shape of the rapidity distribution. No recombination All recombination
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR10 Summary PHENIX preliminary results on J/ dileptons at forward and mid-rapidity in Cu+Cu and Au+Au : Suppression pattern Beyond cold nuclear effects, at least factor 2 of suppression in most central Au+Au events Beyond cold nuclear effects, at least factor 2 of suppression in most central Au+Au events Similar to SPS suppression, despite a higher energy density reached Similar to SPS suppression, despite a higher energy density reached Overestimated by models in agreement with NA50 data and extrapolated at RHIC energy Overestimated by models in agreement with NA50 data and extrapolated at RHIC energy Understandable as recombinations that partially compensate the J/ suppression ? Still open question (test vs dependance and rapidity distribution) Still open question (test vs dependance and rapidity distribution) Alternate explanations ? Direct J/ is not melting at present energy densities ? Only the higher mass resonances ’ and χ c ? (recent lattice QCD results) Direct J/ is not melting at present energy densities ? Only the higher mass resonances ’ and χ c ? (recent lattice QCD results) J/ transport (with high p T J/ escaping QGP region) + QGP suppression ? J/ transport (with high p T J/ escaping QGP region) + QGP suppression ? Need to improve knowledge on cold nuclear effects at RHIC
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR11 Back-up
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR12 RHIC vs SPS Plotted « à la SPS » way i.e. normalize the J/ production with the cold nuclear effects : nuclear absorption with σ abs = 4.18 ± 0.35 mb at SPS nuclear absorption with σ abs = 4.18 ± 0.35 mb at SPS Shadowing + nuclear absorption with σ abs ~ 1 mb at RHIC (Vogt, nucl-th/ ) Shadowing + nuclear absorption with σ abs ~ 1 mb at RHIC (Vogt, nucl-th/ ) (NA60 preliminary points from Arnaldi, QM05). NA50 Pb+Pb NA60 In+In PHENIX Au+Au PHENIX Cu+Cu PHENIX : |y|~1.7
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR13 SPS vs RHIC RHIC : √s = 200 GeV √s = 200 GeV R AA i.e. (J/ in A+A) / (Ncoll * J/ in p+p) R AA i.e. (J/ in A+A) / (Ncoll * J/ in p+p) « expected » = nuclear absorption (σ ~ 1 à 3 mb ) + shadowing « expected » = nuclear absorption (σ ~ 1 à 3 mb ) + shadowing |y| = [0,0.35] or [1.2,2.2] |y| = [0,0.35] or [1.2,2.2] SPS : √s ~ 17 GeV √s ~ 17 GeV Measured/expected Measured/expected measured = J/ / D.Y measured = J/ / D.Y expected = normal nuclear absorption expected = normal nuclear absorption σ = 4.18 ± 0.35 mb NA50: |y*| = [0,1] NA50: |y*| = [0,1] (Arnaldi, QM05) |y|<0.35 |y|~1.7 + private communications d+Au Cu+Cu Au+Au
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR14 Invariant yield vs p T we fit the p T spectrum using to extract Cu+Cu (|y| [1.2,2.2])Au+Au (|y| [1.2,2.2])
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR15 Computing the J/ yield : number of ‘s reconstructed : probability for a thrown and embeded into real data to be found (considering reconstruction and trigger efficiency) : total number of events : BBC trigger efficiency for events with a : BBC trigger efficiency for minimum bias events Invariant yield : For Au+Au or Cu+Cu collision : ~ i : i-th bin (centrality for e.g.)
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR16 –1.95 < y < –1.70 Signal extraction in Cu+Cu Cuts : Dimuons cuts 2.6 < mass < 3.6 GeV/c² 2.6 < mass < 3.6 GeV/c² 1.2 < |rapidity| < < |rapidity| < 2.2 Track quality cuts … Combinatoric background from uncorrelated dimuons : N bgd = 2√(N ++. N – – ) N bgd = 2√(N ++. N – – ) Signal = number of counts within the J/ invariant mass region (2.6 – 3.6 GeV/c²) after subtracting N bgd to the distribution of the opposite sign dimuons. Systematic errors : ~10% from varying fits of the background subtracted signal. Also account for the physical background that can be included into the previous counting.
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR17 Getting acc*eff correction factors in Cu+Cu Using Monte Carlo J/ generated by PYTHIA over 4π embed the J/ within muon arm acceptance into real minimum bias Cu+Cu data Apply to them the same triggers and signal extraction method as the ones applied to the data Acc.eff(i) is the probability that a J/ thrown by PYTHIA in a given bin i to survive the whole process followed by the data Acc*eff vs rapidity (statistical errors only) Systematic errors : 5% from track/pair cuts and uncertainities in p T, y and z-vertex input distribution 8% from run to run variation (mainly due to the varying number of dead channels in MuTr). Acc*eff vs p T (statistical errors only)Acc*eff vs centrality (statistical errors only)
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR18 J/ production in p+p Total cross section in p+p = 2.61 0.20 0.26 µb = 2.51 ± 0.21 (GeV/c) 2 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, y
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR19 y < -1.2 : large x Au ~ y ~ 0 : intermediate x Au ~ y > 1.2 : low x Au ~ xdxd x Au J/ North y > 0 xdxd x Au J/ South y < 0 rapidity y gluons in Pb / gluons in p x Shadowing Anti Shadowing Nucl. Phys. A696 (2001) J/ production in d+Au 0 mb 3 mb Low x 2 ~ (shadowing region)
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR20 Small centrality dependence Models with absorption + shadowing : shadowing EKS98 shadowing EKS98 σ abs = 0 to 3 mb σ abs = 0 to 3 mb σ abs = 1 mb good agreement σ abs = 3 mb is an upper limit weak shadowing and weak nuclear absorption J/ production in d+Au vs centrality
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR21 J/ and the colour screening in QGP Temperature of dissociation T d for χ c and ’: T d ~ T c for χ c and ’: T d ~ T c for J/ : T d ~ 1.5 to 2 T c for J/ : T d ~ 1.5 to 2 T c Sequential dissociation vs energy density ~ ~ 60% direct production J/ ~ 30% via χ c J/ + x ~ 10% via ’ J/ + x ’’J/ χcχc Production g+g fusion dominant at RHIC energy g+g fusion dominant at RHIC energy Energy density vs the max. √s for SPS, RHIC and LHC cf. [1] Satz, hep-ph/ [2] Karsch et al. hep-ph/ Figure from [1]
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR22 Collision geometry and centrality (eg : Cu+Cu) For a given b, Glauber model (Woods-Saxon function) predicts: ● N part (No. participants) ● N coll (No. binary collisions) 10 fm b 0 fm 0 N part N coll 198 Spectators (neutrons) E ZDC Participants (charged particles) Q BBC BBC charge N+S distribution for min.bias Cu+Cu √s = 200 GeV data 80-88% 70-80% etc Monte-Carlo Glauber model Probability for a given Npart Each participant contributes to a Negative Binomial distribution of hits Fit BBC charge distribution
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR23 YearIons s [GeV] ∫Ldt Number of J/ Data Size Run 12000Au+Au130 1 b TB Run Au+Au b TB p+p pb TB Run d+Au nb TB p+p pb TB Run Au+Au b -1 ~ TB b expected10 TB p+p nb -1 Run Cu+Cu 2003 nb -1 ~ TB nb -1 ~ TB b -1 1 TB p+p pb -1 > 6500 expected 262 TB Run 1 to Run 5 capsule history and J/ in PHENIX
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR24 Cu+Cu 200 GeV data taking: triggers and level2 filtering Volumeof data 50 Tb 2.5 Tb 173 Tb 500 Mb Minimum Bias trigger: BBC Level1 trigger: MuID Deep-Deep Reconstruction Level2 filtering: MuTr + MuID New ! fast online reconstruction of 1D road in MuID di-road accepted if last MuID gap reached (with a minimum number of hit gaps) reconstruction of 2D road in MuID used as seed for MuTr track finding rough track momentum estimate invariant mass cut for tracks pairs at 2 GeV/c²
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR25 J/ as a probe of the produced medium (I) Hard probe Large charme quark mass (m J/ ~3.1 GeV/c²) J/ produced at early stages of the collision Large charme quark mass (m J/ ~3.1 GeV/c²) J/ produced at early stages of the collision Size r J/ ~0.2 fm < typical hadronique size (~1 fm) Size r J/ ~0.2 fm < typical hadronique size (~1 fm) Recent lattice QCD result : melting temperature in a deconfined medium is Recent lattice QCD result : melting temperature in a deconfined medium is T ~ 1.5 à 2 T C Production g+g fusion g+g fusion p+p reference for p+A or A+A r ratios (p+A)/(p+p) or (A+A)/(p+p) Suppression or enhancement of the J/ yield : Due to nuclear matter or to deconfined medium Due to nuclear matter or to deconfined medium ? PDF ~ ~60% direct production J/ ~30% via χ c J/ + x ~30% via χ c J/ + x ~10% via ’ J/ + x ~10% via ’ J/ + x
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR26 J/ as a probe of the produced medium (II) Initial state effect CGC, shadowing CGC, shadowing Cronin effect : multiple elastic scattering p T broadening Cronin effect : multiple elastic scattering p T broadening Evaluated via p+A ou d+A Final state effect Nuclear ( hadronic ) absorption QGP ? suppression : « colour screening » or enhancement : recombinaison From 10 to 20 cc in central Au+Au at RHIC Accessible via A+A PDF J/J/ L Projectile Cible V(r) r ’’J/ χcχc
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR27 Background sources Physical background: correleted dimuons Drell-Yan: Drell-Yan: Open charm: Open charm: D, D µ ± + … Combinatoric background: uncorrelated dimuons , K µ + … (decay before the absorber) , K µ + … (decay before the absorber)
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR28 Energy density Longitudinally expanding plasma : dE T /dη measurement at mid-rapidity by PHENIX EMCal dE T /dη measurement at mid-rapidity by PHENIX EMCal Which τ 0 ? Which τ 0 ? R2R2 00 ~ 1 fm/c cross ~ 0.13 fm/c secondaries formation ~ 0.35 fm/c therm ~ fm/c
26/03/2006Andry Rakotozafindrabe – LLR29 Commonly used variables Transverse : perpendicular to the beam direction Transverse momentum : p T = sqrt( p 2 x + p 2 y ) Rapidity : y = 1/2 ln (E+p z )/(E-p z ) Pseudorapidity : η = 1/2 ln (p+p z )/(p-p z ) Invariant mass of a pair : M 2 inv = (E 1 +E 2 ) 2 - (p 1 +p 2 ) 2