Coming to CLU! Information for new international students
You land at LAX... You’re tired, but stop at the restroom, get through security, and now walk out to the area which is marked with a green sign that says “Long Distance Shuttle Service.”
Shuttle Service There are two options: 1) Road Runner Shuttle: make your reservation before you leave at or dial 2) Super Shuttle service; make your reservation at or call You can also take a taxi, but it is much more expensive. When you make your reservation, you will need to tell them your Flight number, approximate arrival time, and that you want to go to California Lutheran University.
Enjoy the ride! Depending on the time you arrive, the shuttle ride can take an hour or longer. Enjoy some of the views of Southern California! If you have not paid for this service when you scheduled it, you must pay at the drop off. Remember to tip the driver a couple of dollars!
Arriving at CLU Have the driver take you to the CLU Welcome Center on campus. People at the center can give you a map of the campus and perhaps help direct you to the Office of Residence Life. The Office of Residence Life closes at 5pm, so if you arrive on campus after 5, the Welcome Center will be able to help you locate someone in your hall to let you into your room. You will have limited supplies in your room! We hope to have someone take you to a local shopping area to get some supplies.
Relax, take a stroll... If you have a map, stroll around the campus. If you meet other international students, get to know them! You will meet the International Peer Mentors who will help you these first few days!
International Peer Mentors
Seminar Seminar is MANDATORY. You will first attend New Student Orientation which begins at 9:30am in Swenson Building, room 101 and 102. Your morning will be filled with information about CLU and other resources. After lunch and the resource fair, you are required to come to International Student Seminar which is from 1:00 – 3:00pm in Humanities room 118.
VERY IMPORTANT You must bring all your traveling documents to orientation: 1)Your I-20 2)Your passport which has your Visa and a white card called an I-94 We will need to copy all these things for our files.
VERY IMPORTANT Pay special attention to all s that come from Dr. Juanita Hall or Linda Boberg during the first few weeks of school! We may need other information from you, or have urgent questions. Don’t ignore these s!
Facebook Yes, we have a page! It’s CLU International Student Services.
Questions? me at