GLAST LAT ProjectIA Meeting – June 17,2005 E. do Couto e Silva 1 New additions to the main page
GLAST LAT ProjectIA Meeting – June 17,2005 E. do Couto e Silva 2 Questions we received on Data Analysis Topics I am not sure I will be able to finish the analysis by the IA meeting, what do I do? Team up with someone else, or Eduardo to find someone to help you I will try to finish in time but what if that does not happen? No big deal, make sure you have enough for a presentation on July 14. The main motivation is not to finish the projects but to probe the parameter space as much as we can and get familiar with the instrument and uncover problems I think the idea is not a good one in topic X, maybe we should plot other distributions, what do you think? Excellent, this is the point of last week’s presentation, to generate discussion and make people think about what is relevant Please send me a list of names by next Monday the latest since we need to get organized in time for the workshop. Who is coming to the Workshop ????????????
GLAST LAT ProjectIA Meeting – June 17,2005 E. do Couto e Silva 3 Reminder … The IA Workshop 4 is intended to prepare us for the data taking with the fully assembled LAT –The turn around required on the results of the analysis will most likely be 2 weeks –So we should know exactly what we want to do and now is the time to develop the distributions and analysis codes –IA4 results need not to be final
GLAST LAT ProjectIA Meeting – June 17,2005 E. do Couto e Silva 4 CAL Proposal 1 to modify SVAC ntuple Current implementation: –CalXtalEne[tower][layer][col][end] - 16 x 8 x 12 x 2 (the two ends showing the same best energy in MeV) CHANGE TO –CalXtalEne[tower][layer][col] - 16 x 8 x 12 - the single best energy in MeV (or perhaps leave the current implementation alone) And ADD –CalXtalADC[tower][layer][col][range][end] - 16 x 8 x12 x 4 x2 - these are the pedestal subtracted ADC tics for each of the 4 ranges –The ADC tic more accurately reflects the operation of the electronics - a perceived benefit. An approximate conversion to MeV could be made (using average MeV per ADC tic for each range) for those who think in MeV or using the combination of CalXtalPos and CalXtalEne. –This structure has the following features –Allows study of direct deposition in the diodes when 4 range readout is enabled –Increase size of CAL contribution to Ntuple by a factor of 8
GLAST LAT ProjectIA Meeting – June 17,2005 E. do Couto e Silva 5 CAL Proposal 2 to modify SVAC ntuple Show only the "best" ADC values (just one range - the 1st in 4 range readout). –CalXtalEne[tower][layer][col] - 16 x 8 x 12 - the single best energy in MeV (or perhaps leave the current implementation alone) And ADD –CalXtalADC[tower][layer][col][end] - 16 x 8 x12 x 2 - these are the pedestal subtracted ADC tics for best range CalXtalADCRng[tower][layer][col][end] - 16 x 8 x12 x 2 - these are the range ID [0..3] for the best range –This structure has the following features –Does not allow study of direct deposition in the diodes when 4 range readout is enabled –Increase size of CAL contribution to Ntuple by only a factor of 2
GLAST LAT ProjectIA Meeting – June 17,2005 E. do Couto e Silva 6 SVAC Ntuple changes We would like to try Proposal 1before implementing as a general tool for everyone –Anders will generate an ntuple with this configuration and send it to CAL for testing. –If file size is not a big deal we will implement in the pipeline after CCB approval Comments, suggestions?