Integration, KLEMS and the NIPAs J. Steven Landefeld, Director World KLEMS Conference Harvard University August 20 th, 2010
2 Integration: the foundation for KLEMS work ▪ Provide a complete set of accounts for the total economy and various sectors ▪ Ensure consistency in macroeconomic data used in the accounts ▪ Integrated statistics allow users to focus on analysis rather than making adjustments to the data
3 Importance of consistent data by Industry Differences in Growth Rates of Real Value Added, 2007 NOTE: Measures of value added were allowed to increase (decrease) by the difference in wage data between BLS and the Census Bureau. [Percent]
4 Importance of consistent data on Income Percent Change of Profit Measures
5 Integrated and Expanded Accounts ▪ Integrated accounts would include: More complete reconciliation and balancing of the components of the U.S. accounts produced jointly by BEA, BLS, and the FRB Common concepts Business sector, non-farm business, etc. Common methods Seasonal adjustment, extrapolation and interpolation Common source data Accuracy and consistency vs. historical practice Common, and or, reconciled business registers and classifications Expanded data sharing authority
6 Integrated and Expanded Accounts ▪ Integrated accounts would include: A complete production account, based on: Integration of NIPA’s and MFP accounts, with real and nominal values Estimates of capital services for private sector and addition of complete estimates of capital services for government and nonprofits. Longer-term: development of output based measures of government and non-profit product. A complete integration of real and financial accounts, based on: Integration of BEA’s NIPA, Wealth, Balance of Payments, Industry, and Regional data with the Fed’s Flow of Funds and Balance Sheet Estimates
7 Integrated and Expanded Accounts ▪ Integrated accounts could be extended to: R&D, Natural Resources, and Human Capital Energy-Environment Health Care, Household Production, and Pensions
8 Current work & plans for further integration ▪ Better integration of BEA Industry and GDP Accounts; quarterly GDP by industry Quarterly Final Expenditures, Income, and Production-based estimates FRB-BEA Annual and Quarterly Estimates: BLS-BEA Annual GDP-MFP Estimates:
9 Integrated Production Account: Government and NonProfits ▪ GDP for government and nonprofits is now measured as compensation plus depreciation (capital consumption allowances) ▪ More complete measure of the cost of government and value of capital services would be rental value: Rental Value = rNS + Dep – Expected Capital Gain Picking an appropriate rate of return is difficult ▪ BEA includes private and government and nonprofit estimates in supplemental total economy production account
10 Integrated Production Account ▪ Other adjustments, including Private sector labor (adjusted for labor composition) Government labor inputs ▪ Such an integrated system enables users to identify the sources of changes in productivity and cross-walk them to GDP and its components: Product Industry Type of income/value-added Gross Output Final sales Intermediate products
11 International Integration: ▪ Closing the gap on international inconsistencies: FISIM treatment Valuations in factor, basic, producer prices used in value added Measuring depreciation Business accounting standards (IFRS vs. GAAP for R&D) Seasonal adjustment practices Common business registers Software: prices & accounting treatment
12 Variation in software prices
13 Variation in capitalized services
14 Benefits of International Integration: ▪ Value of consistent macro estimates for coordinated fiscal, monetary, trade, regulatory and tax policies, based on: SNA 2008 IMF Balance of Payments Manual EU Price Manual UN Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics,