Development & Implementation of Training Chapter #7
Learning Outcomes By the conclusion of this discussion you should: å Understand how to develop a training lesson plan using the various methods available. å Be able to create effective visual aids. å Be able select a room arrangement that will facilitate learning. å Understand the qualifications needed to be a good facilitator.
Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest Questioning: å Why Ask? å Closed-ended vs. Open-ended å Overhead vs. Direct å Relay vs. Reverse
Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest Getting Responses å Ice-breaker å 10-Second Rule å Listening skills å Movement
Answering Questions Planning anticipated questions Practicing answers Tough Questions: å remain calm å take time to think å answer honestly å ask the audience for assistance å don’t ramble
Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest Movement
Cruel “T”
Beat the Cruel “T” MOVEMENT
Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest Non-verbal Communication å Eye contact å Nod head å Be enthusiastic
Body Language Defense å non-desirable positions å audience uncomfortable Offense å comfortable positions for you and the audience å aggressive but controlled Positive and Negative Movement
Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest Remove Filler-words Variety
Computer Based Training (CBT) Development issues: å Self-pacing å Interactivity å Sophistication
Games and Simulations Development Issues: å Simulate as near reality as possible å Include all aspects of real situation å First, allow for skills practice without outside influence å Introduce outside influence
Business Games Development Issues: å Intercompany vs. Intracompany å Allow adequate time å Key learning points å Feedback necessary
In-Basket Development issues: å General discussion after activity å Discussion of advantages/disadvantages å Suggest alternative approaches å Lessons learned
Case Study Development Issues: å Facilitate group discussion/List of questions å Identify key learning points å Do not give solutions å Allow adequate time to complete å Use real cases if applicable - update
Role Play Development issues: å Feedback necessary (instructor, other trainee, 3 rd party) å Tailor standard role plays to trainees å Have trainees write their own – skills practice
Behavior Modeling Development issues: å Allow trainee to watch model (preferable with cues) å Perform behavior å Analyze own performance å Receive feedback å Give everyone the same opportunity
On-The-Job Training Development Issues: å Skilled trainers/coaches/mentors å Remember to prepare and follow-up å Mentoring: Support, Voluntary, Logical assignment Short-term, Orientation, Unstructured Monitor program
Visual Aids Use When You Need to: å focus attention å reinforce, clarify, or emphasize your verbal message å stimulate interest/add variety å illustrate factors that are hard to visualize å help participants grasp information (83% of learning comes through site)
Visual Aids Do NOT Use Visual Aids to: å impress your audience with overly detailed tables å avoid interaction with your audience å make more than one main point å present simple ideas that are easily stated verbally å Present irrelevant data Visuals that DISTRACT from the Presentation should not be used!
Training Room Eliminate distractions å Windows, wall hangings, colors Lighting considerations Square shaped Carpeted with sound-absorbing walls and ceiling Temperature controls Quiet
Room Logistics Ensure there are enough seats for everyone. Make sure the area is clean. Set up your materials and visuals. Have extra supplies on hand. Set-up the room prior to training (if possible). Tables (moveable) and chairs (comfortable)
Semi-Circle/U Arrangement
Center Table Arrangement
Round-Table Arrangement
Classroom Arrangement
Chevron Arrangement
Half Round Arrangement
Without Tables Arrangement
Off-site Facilities No interruptions Change of pace More compatible facility å Rooms, food, lighting, equipment Cost Availability
Trainer Qualifications KSAs Credibility å First impression å Experience
Conclusion Development of effective training methods is essential to the success of your training program. Visual aids are a great supplement to any training if utilized effectively. Careful thought and preparation needs to go into the training facility. Knowledgeable, credible facilitators are also necessary for success.