Ronny Depoortere January 16th, 2012 Chisinau
Identification – Business Case The ability to uniquely identify citizens and foreign residents is the corner stone of an efficient public service. It is the task of the government to provide reliable and verifiable identification and authentication checking entitlement to government services or benefits organising elections issuing identity/travel documents combat identity fraud border control & monitoring immigration flows crime prevention anti-terrorism statistical or demographic analysis Benefits:
identity Identity - real world & virtual world unique identifiers unique document numbers and virtual token numbers
Unique Data Source for – biographical data – civil data (identity and status) source for derived lists or databases (travel, elections, etc) linked with other registers (voter lists, emigration records, etc.) Unique Data Source ( Population Register )
Unique Data Source
ID card management & ID token management ID card management & ID token management enrolment and registration enrolment and registration production of secure ID documents production of secure ID documents POPULATION REGISTER POPULATION REGISTER biometric validation biometric validation
A unique Central Source is key for your central identity management Paper-based Central & digital
Unique Identifiers 2 types of unique identifiers 1.unique numbers for persons 2.unique numbers for identity documents travel documents virtual tokens identifiers make it easy to present and prove identity identifiers enable eGov by means of information exchange even without involving the citizen
Most countries with e-services policy use e-ID card as key identifier : – Need for physical control in Moldova – Need for travel document (ID being much cheaper than a passport) – Biometrics storage ? – Off-line ID checking (rental, banks, etc.) – Mobile authentication (CR-principle eg Portugal) Can also be done without e-ID card – Most average users don’t have a smartphone yet Discussion client- vs server-side mobile e-ID Identity Documents and their use
documents or tokens are carriers for identity information a secure ID card usually contains – unique ID number – unique card number number – identity data – photo, biometric data an e-ID card is the typical base tool to identify and authenticate a person Identity Documents & Tokens
Perfectly in-line with Moldova’s strategy Is very complementary -> derived mobile identity Mobile Identity
Issuing ID documents or ID tokens relies on a reliable first-time registration procedure to establish the true identity of the citizen Registration for other ID documents or tokens relies on ID cards as initial proof of identity (« Mother Identity ») Registration
Ronny Depoortere Sr. Vice-President ZETES PASS T