Management Development Scheme UEAMDS UNILEVER EAST AFRICA Management Development Scheme UEAMDS
Objective To attract, develop and retain the Best-in-Class Human resource for the future business. We believe the management trainees are our future leaders. A 2 year program through which the young management trainees; gain an Understanding of Unilever’s Business Operations develop functional & Managerial Skills through On” and “Off” the - Job - training Develop leadership Competencies that will bring growth in future have fun interacting with their peers and also the business world.
The Recruitment Process University/College career talks Unilever East Africa Employer brand Advertisement Application forms Introduction to Business Management Course Selection Boards Appointment & Placement
Competencies we look for Those that will enable create a growth Vision Analytical Skills Those that drive growth Business Motivation Those that will enable build commitment to growth People skills
Early Development Program 1 - 2 months - Orientation; Introduction to Unilever East Africa & Global Unilever Network 3 - 18 months - Functional placements + project assignments + Business appreciation program +professional training 18 - 24 months - Functional placements+ Substantive positions + on & off the job training
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Placement in various functions to be able to appreciate how Unilever works. Performance Appraisal based on the placement briefs done every 6 months A stint in Sales is a must for atleast 6 months to be able to appreciate the business we are in Monthly meetings with the HR Dev. & Training Mgr to track progress and address any issues arising. Mentoring by functional directors & coaching by HOD’s Confirmation after 12 months Substantive positions after 24 months
TRAINING -"in the role” During the first one year MT’s spend time developing their skills and awareness in their chosen function.This is through learning about the operations and bearing real responsibility for part of the activity of their function. A trainee will also be exposed to broad business experiences and gain deep insight into the business through project responsibilities, that can improve the business. Training 'in the role' is structured to take into account individual interests and abilities, with regular coaching and continuous feedback. Learning is a two way process and trainees are encouraged to take 'ownership' of their own development and identify new opportunities.
TRAINING - “off the job” To complement practical work, training programs are designed to equip graduates to contribute at the highest level in the shortest possible time. Trainees undertake: Regional courses Business Appreciation Program Marketing Foundation Modules HR Business Foundation Local / In-house courses Business writing & presentation skills Negotiation skills Modern Management Techniques Team skills Project Management Professional Courses CPA, CIM, CIMA, CFA etc
BENEFITS Home grown talent Pool to fill resourcing gaps early introduction to Unilever way of working Pool to fill resourcing gaps MT’s are highly qualified, young & energetic Enhanced quality of workforce entry level is ambitious - 1st class or Upper 2nd class Early development & monitoring of skills and competencies able to address gaps early enough
CHALLENGES War for Talent Retention Industry-University Linkage getting the right candidates is dependent on who gets there first. We may not win every time Retention high turnover due to increased market interest in MT’s MT’s recruited from Europe & U.S.A- high expectations Industry-University Linkage In Kenya & Uganda okay , Tanzania- have been improving Early exposure to Industry Delivering the promise not always able to deliver diverse training & job rotation due to pressure from work & the organisation pyramid