The Reading Process Monday, April 16, 2007
Purpose of Reading Process / Improve comprehension; / Organize work; / Clarify the purpose of activity.
Stage 1: Pre-reading / Activating Background Knowledge / Setting Process / Planning for Reading
Stage 2: Reading / Independent Reading / Buddy Reading
Stage 2: Reading (cont.) / Guided Reading / Shared Reading / Reading Aloud / Guided Reading / Shared Reading / Reading Aloud
Stage 3: Responding / Writing in Reading Logs / Participation in Discussions / Writing in Reading Logs / Participation in Discussions
Stage 4: Exploring / Rereading the Selections / Examining the Author’s Craft / Focusing on Words and Sentences / Teaching Mini-lessons
Stage 5: Applying / Readers Theatre / Class Collaborations / Reports / Readers Theatre / Class Collaborations / Reports