Team HazardHawk Team HazardHawk 2008
The HazardHawk Team HazardHawk 2008
Last Week Team HazardHawk 2008 Complete wheel assemblies Buy nuts that fit the bolts ○ Complete Mount on vehicle ○ Complete Attach chains Size and cut ○ Complete Connect with master link ○ Complete
Complete a functioning electronics layout on table. Use H-bridges to drive motors ○ Complete Write PWM code and code to interface infra- red sensors with micro-controller ○ Complete Complete Concept Design Documentation Complete Last Week
Complete Arm structure Mount arm to the circular plate ○ Complete Attach plate with motor to the top of the vehicle. ○ Complete
Concept Status Incorporate Swivel casters Vehicle had problems turning Solution: add casters. Result: vehicle turns effectively.
Concept Status Drive Mechanism Drive chain was reduced because front wheels were removed Drive chain connects one wheel to motor
Concept Status Electronics Problems with H-bridges PMW code is complete needs to be tested.
Concept Status Inventory List Team HazardHawk 2008
Concept Status
Arm Mechanism The arm still needs to be assembled Retain important design characteristics
Action Items Complete Arm structure Mount arm to the circular plate Attach plate with motor to the top of the vehicle. Update CAD model and all visuals Add drawings: parts, sub-assembly, assembly Update previous drawings
Action Items Conduct final trials to determine functionality Test GPS and Electronics Prepare for public display - 04/15
Team HazardHawk 2008