Stem Activities Within Space Grant Consortia Basically, there is not much Direct Activity involving teacher professional development
Ubiquitous Boilerplate The vision of the SG is to expand opportunities for all through education, research, and public service in NASA-related science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. Goal 1: To increase access, understanding, development and utilization of NASA resources in four areas: space science, Earth system science, biological sciences, and aeronautics. Each state has a much different balance and focus among these 4 explicit areas. K12 STEM vision needs to map into these 4 areas.
Generic SG Programs Page: No explicit pointer to STEM activities
Example 1 from Anon SG
Example 2 from ANON SG
Real Activity Spectrum Beyond Scholarships (working models) Summer Camps Summer Camps SG/Industry Partnerships summer interns SG/Industry Partnerships summer interns Developed electronic lesson plans/activities for K12 students Developed electronic lesson plans/activities for K12 students Teacher Education STEM Scholarships Teacher Education STEM Scholarships The Space Grant Observatory The Space Grant Observatory Train students for STEM outreach Train students for STEM outreach Professional Development workshops Professional Development workshops
Summer Camps: NYSG/Cornell
Wyoming Astro Camp Could easily do something similar at PMO
Industry Partnerships These seem rare These seem rare Most partnerships are with NASA Centers Most partnerships are with NASA Centers But North Carolina has had a long program: The NC Space Grant/Lord Corporation Summer Internship Program is open to current undergraduates who are enrolled in a STEM degree program at one of the NC Space Grant eleven member institutions. But North Carolina has had a long program: The NC Space Grant/Lord Corporation Summer Internship Program is open to current undergraduates who are enrolled in a STEM degree program at one of the NC Space Grant eleven member institutions. $7500 per student $7500 per student
Lesson Plans
More Lesson Plans
Teacher Education STEM Scholarships Virginia SG seems to be the only one doing this on a systematic basis:Virginia SG seems to be the only one doing this on a systematic basis: Awards are one-year, non-renewable $1,000 stipends for undergraduate or graduate education students enrolled at one of the five Virginia Space Grant universities or any Virginia Community College and majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). Eligibility The scholarship program is open to undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens and will be enrolled in a fulltime program of study when they actually receive the award. Students may apply during their senior year of high school or sophomore year in a community college. The award is contingent on matriculation to a Virginia Space Grant university and entrance into a teacher certification program.
20 Inch Scope on Room of Bloomberg Building at Johns Hopkins: Friday/Saturday programs mostly funded by Maryland SG: Large numbers of participants
Student Training in STEM Outreach: Novel Program
Professional Development Penn State is the leader, by far, here:
Kentucky Space Grant Support for Teacher Workshops KSGC invites proposals for up to $10,000 per workshop for curriculum development or enhancing the capabilities of college or precollege teachers in the teaching of space-related subjects. The PI must be employed at a member institution. Funding should be concentrated on maximum benefit to participants. The purpose of KSGC-sponsored workshops is to enable teachers to utilize the excitement of space-related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to inspire students from an early age to consider and prepare for a STEM career path. A cost sharing commitment of at least 1/8 year FTE in paid faculty time for a corresponding reduction of teaching load is required of the institution to facilitate development and delivery of a substantial training experience; and the total match must be at least 1:1. If the time commitment alone results in less than the total required match, then additional direct and indirect cost contributions are needed. But 10 K does not get you all that far …
Summary STEM scholarships are mandated Most SG consortia retain a strong engineering focus, often in the form of summer camps (rockets, etc). Its important that the Oregon group realize this is part of the National Agenda Most SG consortium are not heavily vested into STEM activities beyond the superficial. Some working models (e.g. MI/MN, VA, ASU, PSU/KY) exist and could be emulated by OR.