Testosterone Selectively Reduces the High Molecular Weight Form of Adiponectin by Inhibiting Its Secretion from Adipocytes 私立銘傳大學 生物科技系 指導教授:陳秀儀老師 學生:吳文翔 Aimin Xu et al, (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280,
Introduction 1.Adipocyte ( 脂肪細胞 ) 2.Adiponectin ( 脂肪細胞所分泌的荷爾蒙之一 ) 3.HMW (high molecular weight) 4.MMW (middle molecular weight) 5.LMW (low molecular weight) 6.Castration( 去勢 ) 7.Testosterone( 睪固酮 ) 8.Actinomycin D( 一種抗生素可抑制轉錄作用 ) 9.Type II diabetes ( 第二型糖尿病,非胰島素依賴型 ) 10.Insulin resistance ( 胰島素阻抗性 ) 11.Insulin sensitivity( 胰島素敏感度 ) 12.Atherosclerosis ( 動脈硬化 )
Introduction Adiponectin A circulating hormone secreted from adipose tissue/adipocyte. Adiponectin present as the forms of HMW, MMW, and LMW.
Introduction HMW, MMW, LMW 1.LMW, basic unit of adiponectin, is the trimer. 2.MMW, two trimers linked by a disulfide bond through a cysteine redidue, is the hexamer. 3.HMW, is the protomers.
Indtroduction Adiponectin Adiponectin can ameliorate fatty liver. Adiponectin is an important role in regulating systemic energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Adiponectin is related to insulin resistance,, and obesity-related diseases.
Results fig.1-1 觀察到老鼠血清中的 adiponectin 具 有三種形式 A non-heating and non-reducing SDS-PAGE analysis
Results fig.1-2 Gel filtration chromatography 觀察到跑出三個 peaks ,而母鼠的 peak 1 明顯比公鼠的 peak 1 高很多
Results fig.1-3 A non-heating and non-reducing SDS-PAGE analysis 證實 peak 1, peak 2, peak 3 分別為 HMW, MMW 和 LMW
Results fig.1 的結論 Sexually dimorphic distribution of the adiponectin oligomeric complexes in mice.
Experimental procedures 實驗老鼠的 adiponectin 樣本之取得方法 1. 將八週大的老鼠麻醉 2. 用手術將老鼠的睪丸取出 ( 我們稱之為 castrated mice) 3. 讓手術過的老鼠修養六週 4-1. 每隔一天就給 castrated mice( 實驗組 ) 做 testosterone propinate 或 vehicle (corn oil) 的皮下注射 (5 mg/kg of body weight) [ 此種老鼠即 CT 和 CO] 5. 最後再用心臟採血 的方法蒐集血液樣本 4-2. 每隔一天就給 sham- operated mice( 對照組 ) 做 和實驗組相同的處理 [ 此種老鼠即 ST 和 SO]
Results fig.2-1 有無 castration : 注射 testosterone : SO 和 CO 比較: castration 的 adiponectin 含量明顯較高 SO 和 ST 比較:再加了 testosterone 後, adiponectin 的含量明顯 下降了 CO 和 CT 比較:再加了 testosterone 後, adiponectin 的含量明顯 下降了
Results fig.2-2 觀察到有 castration 的老鼠其血清內的 adiponectin 含量較沒有 castration 的老鼠高很多
Results fig.2- 3 SO ST CO CT 有無 castration : 注射 testosterone : Castration 會造成 HMW 的比例升高, MMW 和 LMW 的比 例降低
Results fig.2 的結論 Castration and testosterone treatment selectively modulates circulating concentrations of HMW adiponectin and alter the pattern of adiponectin oligomeric complex distribution.
Results fig.3 觀察到樣本有無 castration 與否, 或者是樣本有無添加 testosterone 與否,幾乎完全不會影響最後的 結果
Results fig.3 的結論 castration and testosterone treatment had no effect on intracellular oligmeric complex distribution of adiponectin in mouse fat pads.
Results fig.4-1 Control : normal rat Tn :添加 250 nM testosterone Actino :添加 2 μM actinomycin D Actino+Tn :添加上述兩者 E2 :添加 estrogen Contro 與 Tn 比較:細胞外 的 adiponectin 含量因為加了 testosterone 而降低了 Tn 與 Actino+Tn 比較:觀察 到再加了 Actino 後,細胞外 的 adiponectin 濃度又變回和 control 一樣 TnActino+Tn controlTn
Results fig.4-2 觀察到無論在細 胞內加入什麼, 幾乎都不會影響 adiponectin 蛋白 產生的量
Results fig.4 的結論 Testosterone treatment did not influence mRNA and protein from the adipocyte. Testosterone-mediated reduction of HMW in the conditioned culture medium is not due to the impaired intracellular assembly but perhaps due to the attenuated secretion. Testosterone directly inhibits the secretion of HMW through transcriptional regulation.
Results fig.4 的結論 Testosterone Testosterone-related DNA Testosterone-related protein Adiponectin DNA Aiponectin mRNA Adiponectin protein 細胞內 細胞外 secretion
Experimental procedures Pusle-chase labeling experiments 用 S 35 -methione 和 S 35 -cysteine label 2 h Chase in a cold medium for different time period Immunoprecipitation SDS-PAGE
Results fig.5-1 control 細胞外細胞內 觀察到在加入 testosterone 後,脂肪細 胞分泌 HMW 到細胞外的速度變慢了
Results fig.5-2 觀察到在加入 testosterone 後,細胞分泌 HMW 的速 度下降,而分泌 MMW 和 LMW 的速度則沒有改變
Results fig.5 的結論 Testosterone selectively decreases the secretion rate of HMW from adipocyte.
Results fig.6 1. 加入越多的 testosterone 會使細胞分泌到細胞外的 adiponectin 量會下降 2. 加入 actinomycin D 可以 抑制 testosterone 所造成 的效果 3. 加入 estrogen 並不會影響 細胞分泌的情形
Results fig.6 的結論 Testosterone directly inhibits the secretion of HMW through transcriptional regulation.
Experimental procedures 實驗人類的 adiponectin 樣本之取得方法 1. 先得到十三位性功能退化病人的同 意 ( 皆與 testicular failure 有關 ) 2. 經過了三個月的 testosterone replacement therapy 3. 採集他們身上的血液樣本
Results fig.7 人類的血清中的 adiponectin 和老鼠一樣也具有三種形式; 而女性血清中 HMW 所佔有的比例也是比男性為高
Results fig.7 的結論 Testosterone 對於雄性老鼠所造成的影響, 或許會和 testosterone 對於人類男性所造成 的影響相同
Results fig.8-1 觀察到在經過 testosterone replacement therapy 後,男 性血清中的 adiponectin 含量有明顯的下降
Results fig.8-2 觀察到在經過 testosterone replacement therapy 後,男性血清中 HMW 的比例明顯下 降,而 MMW 和 LMW 的比例則有些微的上升
Results fig.8 的結論 Testosterone replacement therapy preferentially decreases the percentage composition of the HMW in Humans.
Discussion 1.Concentration of HMW in female is more higher than male. 2.Testosterone cause reduction of HMW in the circulation. 3.Testosterone impede the secretion of HMW from adiponectin. 4.Testosterone directly inhibit the secretion of the HMW through transcriptional regulation. 5.The inhibition of HMW by testosterone may contribute to the sex dimorphism. 6.The inhibition of HMW by testosterone may be explain why men have higher risk to insulin resistance and atherosclerosis than women.
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