“A race is a category of people treated as distinct on account of physical characteristics to which social importance has been assigned” (Brinkerhoff, p. 175).
“An ethnic group is a category whose members are thought to share a common origin and to share important elements of a common culture” (Brinkerhoff, p. 175).
Five (real or imagined) Characteristics of Ethnic Groups: Language history or ancestry religion styles of dress or adornment. food and eating norms Language history or ancestry religion styles of dress or adornment. food and eating norms
PREJUDICE & DISCRIMINATION Prejudice is an attitude. Discrimination is a behavior.
Minority groups lack power; they are “culturally, economically, and politically subordinate” (p. 178). Majority groups have power; they are “culturally, economically, and politically dominant” (p. 177). Power is the ability to get others to do what you want even if they don’t want to do it.
Four types of relations between dominant and minority groups: Conflict Accommodation Acculturation Assimilation –Anglo-conformity –Melting pot
“Institutionalized racism occurs when the normal operation of apparently neutral processes systematically produces unequal results for majority and minority groups” (p. 192).