Plants don’t have hormones do they?? Tropisms and polarity Clearly plant growth and development would not be possible without efficient communication among cells, tissues and organs. I hadn’t thought about that!
Phototropism Gravitropism Fruit ripening Embryo development
DR5::GUS reporter gene for auxin light Taiz/Zeiger, 2002 Lateral IAA movement increased IAA causes bending
Leaf development Apical dominance Lateral root development Vascular differentiation
Auxin transport and plant polarity
Avena coleoptile system
Classical auxin experiments
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) So that is what auxin looks like!! What was the material diffusing from Went’s agar block?
Went agar diffusion experiment
Auxin biosynthesis IAA
Taiz & Zeiger, 2002 control IAA Cell wall elongation assay of hypocotyl segments IAA induces an increase in the elasticity of the cell wall by reducing its pH. This allows the cells to expand easier
Figure Kinetics of auxin-induced elongation and cell wall acidification in maize coleoptiles
Acid growth hypothesis Acidic buffers induce cell elongation without auxin neutral buffers inhibit auxin-induced cell elongation inhibitors of H + -ATPase inhibit auxin-induced cell elongation ?
How could the acid growth hypothesis work?? auxin control ? ? ?
Cell wall structure Non-ordered wall structure Paralell ordered wall structure
Auxin and root gravitropism
Figure Microsurgery experiments showed that the root cap supplies a root growth inhibitor
DR5-GFP in gravistimulated root DR5-GFP in gravistimulated root tips + 1µM NAA
Figure pH changes in columella cells are involved in gravitropic signal transduction (B)
Root gravitropism
How to create cell polarity
How to NOT create cell polarity
Auxin importer AUX1 transports IAA and 2,4-D 1-NAA diffuses into the cell 1-NAA control
Polar auxin transport (basipetal) in stems AUX1 ABCB4 ABCB1/19 PIN1 anionic IAA - Undissociated IAAH
Polar auxin transport and the chemiosmotic model Influx: 1. Passive diffusion 25% 2. H+/IAA- symport (AUX1) Efflux: Membrane potential active transport PINs/ABCBs
PIN1 regulates auxin efflux
…it is localized at the basal end of the cell PIN1 is an integral membrane protein
PIN1 export regulator protein PIN protein is a regulator of auxin export from the cell. It is localized at the basal end of the cell Auxin can move from cell to cell
PIN proteins interact in networks
Mature tissues BR2 in maize is a AtPGP1 ortholog
Auxin regulates gene expression