Getting started with Matlab Numerical Methods Appendix B help/techdoc/learn_matlab/learn_matlab.html
What Is MATLAB? Math and computation Math and computation Algorithm development Algorithm development Data acquisition Data acquisition Modeling, simulation, and prototyping Modeling, simulation, and prototyping Data analysis, exploration, and visualization Data analysis, exploration, and visualization Scientific and engineering graphics Scientific and engineering graphics Application development, including graphical user interface building Application development, including graphical user interface building
The MATLAB System Development Environment. Development Environment. The MATLAB Mathematical Function Library. The MATLAB Mathematical Function Library. The MATLAB Language. The MATLAB Language. a high-level matrix/array language a high-level matrix/array language Graphics. Graphics. The MATLAB External Interfaces (API). The MATLAB External Interfaces (API).
MATLAB Online Help Desktop Tools and Development Environment Desktop Tools and Development Environment Mathematics Mathematics Programming Programming Graphics Graphics 3-D Visualization 3-D Visualization Creating Graphical User Interfaces Creating Graphical User Interfaces External Interfaces/API External Interfaces/API
Matrices and Arrays To enter D ü rer's matrix, simply type in the Command Window To enter D ü rer's matrix, simply type in the Command Window >>A = [ ; ; ; ] >>A = [ ; ; ; ] A = A =
sum, transpose, and diag sums of the columns of A sums of the columns of A >>sum(A) >>sum(A) ans = ans = >>sum(A')' >>sum(A')' ans = ans = sum(diag(A)) sum(diag(A)) ans = 34 ans = 34 The transpose operation is denoted by an apostrophe or single quote, '.
Subscripts >>A(1,4) + A(2,4) + A(3,4) + A(4,4) >>A(1,4) + A(2,4) + A(3,4) + A(4,4) ans = 34 ans = 34 >>X = A; >>X = A; >>X(4,5) = 17 >>X(4,5) = 17 X = X =
The Colon Operator >> 1:10 >> 1:10 ans = ans = >> 100:-7:50 >> 100:-7:50 ans = ans = >> 0:pi/4:pi >> 0:pi/4:pi ans = ans = In subscript In subscript >> A(1,1:4) >> A(1,1:4) ans = ans =
The magic Function >> B = magic(4) >> B = magic(4) B = B = To make this B into D ü rer's A, swap the two middle columns: To make this B into D ü rer's A, swap the two middle columns: A = B(:,[ ]) A = B(:,[ ])
Expressions Variables Variables num_students = 25 num_students = 25 Numbers Numbers e e23 1i j 3e5i e e23 1i j 3e5i Operators Operators +-*/^ +-*/^ \ Left division \ Left division Functions Functions help elfun help elfun help specfun help specfun help elmat help elmat
Working with Matrices
Generating Matrices zeros All zeros zeros All zeros ones All ones ones All ones rand Uniformly distributed random elements rand Uniformly distributed random elements randn Normally distributed random elements randn Normally distributed random elements
ones(n,m) >> ones(3,4) >> ones(3,4) ans = ans =
zeros(n,m) >> zeros(3,4) >> zeros(3,4) ans = ans =
rand(n,m) >> rand(3,4) >> rand(3,4) ans = ans =
randn(3,4) >> randn(3,4) >> randn(3,4) ans = ans =
Load and Save.mat >> A = [1 2 3] >> A = [1 2 3] >> B = [4 5 6] >> B = [4 5 6] >> save mydata.mat >> save mydata.mat >> clear >> clear >> load mydata.mat >> load mydata.mat
eye(n), eye(size(A)) >> eye(3) >> eye(3) ans = ans = >> eye(size(A)) >> eye(size(A)) ans = ans =
Load and save ASCII file >> a = magic(4); b = ones(2, 4) * -5.7; c = [ ]; >> a = magic(4); b = ones(2, 4) * -5.7; c = [ ]; >> save -ascii mydata.dat >> save -ascii mydata.dat >> clear >> clear >> load mydata.dat >> load mydata.dat >> mydata >> mydata mydata = mydata =
Building Tables >> n = (0:9)'; >> n = (0:9)'; pows = [n n.^2 2.^n] pows = [n n.^2 2.^n] pows = pows = MATLAB uses a dot, or decimal point, as part of the notation for multiplicative array operations.
Multivariate Data >>D = [ >>D = [ ] ] to obtain the mean and standard deviation of each column, use to obtain the mean and standard deviation of each column, use >>mu = mean(D), sigma = std(D) >>mu = mean(D), sigma = std(D) mu = mu = sigma = sigma = >>help datafun >>help datafun >>help stats >>help stats
Matlab Graphics
plot(x,y) t=[0:5:100] t=[0:5:100] y=t.^0.34-log10(t)+1./t y=t.^0.34-log10(t)+1./t plot(t,y) plot(t,y) title( ‘ Plot of y versus t ’ ) title( ‘ Plot of y versus t ’ ) grid grid
3D graphics [x,y]=meshgrid(-4.0:0.2:4.0,-4.0:0.2:4.0); [x,y]=meshgrid(-4.0:0.2:4.0,-4.0:0.2:4.0); z=(-20*x.^2+x)+(-15*y.^2+5.*y); z=(-20*x.^2+x)+(-15*y.^2+5.*y); surfl(x,y,z); surfl(x,y,z); axis([ ]) axis([ ]) xlabel('x-axis'); xlabel('x-axis'); ylabel('y-axis'); ylabel('y-axis'); zlabel('z-axis'); zlabel('z-axis');
Try yourself, and have fun!