The Art of Henri Rousseau Museum-School Collaborative Activity Serifatu Alaka.


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Presentation transcript:

The Art of Henri Rousseau Museum-School Collaborative Activity Serifatu Alaka

Close your eyes and travel to an imaginary land filed with wild and wonderful creatures. Maybe you see a friendly lion or a horse that flies! Do they live in a land with magic mountains and a purple sky? Invent Your own fantasy animal living in a make-believe place. Draw your Idea on paper or use Microsoft paint to create your animal.

What’s going on in this picture? What do you think the lion is doing here? Describe the Lion. Henri Rousseau, The Sleeping Gypsy Fill in the Space Provided

Who might this person be? What do you think this person is doing ? Henri Rousseau, The Sleeping Gypsy Write in the space above

Where do you think the person and the lion are? What time of day or night do you think it is? How can you tell? Henri Rousseau, The Sleeping Gypsy Fill in the Space below

What do you think will happen next? Write a story about this mysterious scene. Henri Rousseau, The Sleeping Gypsy Write your story in the space above