Siftables. by: Mohamad Alhamada.
Table of Contents. What are Siftables? General Informations. The Uses of Siftables. Special features. Bibliography.
What are Siftables? It is a independent cookie-sized computers with motion sensing, neighbor detection, graphical display, and wireless communication. Siftables was created by David Merrill and Jeevan Kalanithi at the MIT Media Lab.
What are Siftables? The Siftable devices include: LCD display A microcontroller. Accelerometer. Wireless radio. Four Infrared Data Association (IrDA) transceivers for networking.
General Informations. Inspiration came from children's blocks and legos. It is a Tangible User Interface (TUI) in which a person interacts with digital information through the physical environment. There are different ways to configure a Siftable, either by putting the computing power into the block itself, or by feeding each Siftable information from a computer equipped with Bluetooth It is not commercial yet.
The Uses of Siftables. Learning-aid Math problems: work as calculators Present different colors Demo tools during boardroom meetings. Play media. Show pictures. Connect with a bluetooth.
Special features. A cool piece of the learning side of Siftables is you can learn spelling. The Siftables will be spread on a table and you have 30 seconds to make words out of the blocks. After 30 seconds a sound will chime and new letters will appear on your blocks.
Special features. Interactive. Creative. Small and easy to hold and to use. Does not serve only one purpose. Fun and easy way to learn.
Bibliography. 1. The official site of Siftables. MIT Media Lab Home Page. The Home Page of David Merrill (The creater of Siftables). The Home Page of Jeevan Kalanithi(The creater of Siftables).
Bibliography. 5. An article in gizmag about Siftables. learning/11053/ learning/11053/ 6.The wikipedia page of Siftables. 7.YouTube video about Siftables. wU wU
Bibliography. 8.An article in Wired magazine about Siftables. d-siftable-co/ d-siftable-co/ 9.Siftables on the IEEE Web Site. tingnow/archive/news012 tingnow/archive/news An article on Softpedia web site about Siftables. Siftables-the-Domino-Like-Computer shtml Siftables-the-Domino-Like-Computer shtml