Technology and Special Education Debora Collins Erin Smialek Christine McCaleb
Technology and Special Education Affects of Technology technologies have been invented to address society's problems or to fulfill its growing desire for speed and convenience. technology for people with disabilities assists, supports, enhances and integrates them back into our society.
Facts About Disability in the U.S. Population 51.2 million Number of people who have some level of disability. 11% C hildren ages 6 to 14 who have a disability. Technology and Special Education
Infused into curriculum and instruction effectively Educators and curriculum developers make the following decisions: rreview and analyze eenable students to acquire proficiency ssupport the development of lessons & units ddevelop detailed plans
Address the needs of low performing, at-risk, and students with learning disabilities Technology applications that provide: iindividually tailored iimmediate feedback mmonitor progress
Technology integration at La Cima High Level AAlpha Smart WWordQ and SpeakQ SSmart boards Medium Level LLeap Pad bbooks on tape; DVDs and video sspelling and grammar checkers eelectronic dictionaries
Technology integration at La Cima Low Level vview finder mmagna doodle ccalculator wwhite boards MManipulative tools: blocks, letter magnets, poker chips
Technology integration at La Cima Focus TTeach the technology MMake sure its engaging FFosters independence Express knowledge Acquire learning/information
Research Evidence Temple (2003) FFastForWord Language Training; 100 minutes, five days a week for eight weeks, as part of their regular school day ““Students began to function normally and their scores went up on a number of language and reading tests.”
Research Evidence Weir (1987) eeffectiveness of using computers to develop and assess learning strategies Michayluk & Saklofske (1988) ddescribed the use of computers as a socializing agent with hyperactive children Goldenberg, Russell, & Carter (1984) pprovide frequent student feedback motivates learning rremain cognitively engaged, particularly when corrective feedback is immediately provided
Videos Screen Reading Technologies, Speech Synthesizers, & Refreshable Braille Displays Assistive- Technology Tools: Keys to Learning for the Visually Impaired Assistive Technology: Enabling Dreams
Technology and Special Education Assistive Technology at U of A Supportive Resources AAdjustable computer workstations RRefreshable Braille displays BBraille embossers AAlternative mice AAlternative keyboards
Assistive Technology at U of A Software Resources SScreen reader- JAWS SScreen magnification- MAGic, Zoom Text VVisual outlining- Inspiration VVoice recognition- Dragon Naturally Speaking WWord prediction- Text Help Read & Write Gold TText to Speech- Kurzweil 1000, ReadPlease, Natural Reader Software
JAWS Intended for visually impaired ttwo multi-lingual speech synthesizers ooutputs to refreshable Braille displays if desired ttranslated into 17 languages iinformation from the screen is read aloud $$895
Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice activated: use your voice to dictate and edit in any Windows application ccan turn voice into text to create documents ccreates and instant messages with 99% accuracy ccan even surf the web sstarts at $99 and includes a headset
Kurzweil 3000 Comprehensive reading, writing and learning software ddocuments can be scanned rreads the text out loud sstarts at $1095
Natural Reader Text to Speech software with natural sounding voices convert any written text into spoken words onvert any written text into audio files for your CD player or iPod helps writers improve by listening to their work FFREE!!!
Technology and Special Education WordQ Writing Software ppredicts what you might want to write ddisplays a list of correctly spelled words cchoose a word eeach word can be read aloud
SpeakQ Writing Software wwrite by speaking into a mic sspeech recognition and word prediction cchoose a word