Using Web-Based Technologies for Teaching Dr. Marina Stock McIsaac Arizona State University Presented at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan June 5, 2008
Alphabet of Learning b-learning, blended e-learning, electronic m-learning, mobile u-learning, ubiquitous
Change in Pedagogy learning styles of the ‘net generation’ implications of convergence of technologies formal vs. informal learning collective intelligence, collaborative learning virtual worlds and ‘serious games’
Shift in teaching Facilitate independent learning Integrate learning tools into instruction Synthesize and communicate concepts Teach students to gather information Demonstrate “best technology practices” Collaborate in knowledge networks
Pedagogy and technology integration S ICT social cultural interactive distributed situated CoP scaffolded Web2 knowledge construction
Learning is social and interactive S ICT social cultural interactive distributed situated CoP scaffolded Web2 knowledge construction
Social Constructivism Cultural mediation (Vygotsky) “Any higher mental function was social at some point before becoming truly mental” Social presence (Short et al.) “The degree to which people feel connected to each other......” Interaction (Moore, Muirhead) “...between learners, learner- teacher, learner-content, learner-interface...”
Learning is distributed and situated S ICT social cultural interactive distributed situated CoP scaffolded Web2 knowledge construction
Distributed Cognition “ people think in conjunction and partnership with others and with the help of culturally provided tools and implements ” (Salomon, 1993, p. xiii).
Situated Learning “Situated cognition has emerged as a powerful perspective in providing meaningful learning and promoting the transfer of knowledge to real-life situations.” Choi & Hannafin
Learning-Communities of Practice S ICT social cultural interactive distributed situated CoP scaffolded Web2 knowledge construction
Communities of Learning CSCL-Computer-supported communities of learning Networked CoP (communities of practice) Scaffolding
Dimensions of Learning S ICT social cultural interactive distributed situated CoP scaffolded Web2.0 knowledge construction
Pedagogy and Web 2.0 Collective intelligence User generated software Social construction Reflective environment for conscious thought
Why ICT’s? Student centered learning pedagogies Informal learning External influences Technology in the workplace
Web2.0 Environments Open Source software (OSS)... Knowledge construction...Tappedin User generated content...Wikis Reflection of conscious thought...Blogs Student centered learning...Podcasts Virtual learning spaces... 2nd Life
Educational Potential (communication) Blogs (dynamic communication, recent info)Blogs Moodle(socially constructed knowledge)Moodle Blackboard (discussion, assignments)Blackboard Wikis (collaboration, feedback, assessment)Wikis
Most popular MySpace (connect with others, blog, music)MySpace Facebook (social utility)Facebook You Tube (video sharing)You Tube Second Life (3 D learning environment)Second Life
FYack-Pack allows multiple asynchronous opportunities for collaboration using voice and text. Yack Pack O.Benavides
Internet Telephony Students use Skype to work on group projects establishing teleconferences.
Tappedin Students collaborate on group projects and share resources O.Benavides
Desktop videoconference Deborah Lowther speaks to Technology Integration Class O.Benavides
The use of blogs enables students and teachers to post information on a secure site for discussion and collaboration outside of the classroom. O.Benavides
Develop a web-based activity Select a lesson you would like to teach What is one new activity you could do using technology? How would this help your lesson? What do you need for the project?
Hsieh Hsieh u