1 Interoperability of Curricula by using Competencies Presented by David Massart On behalf of Frans Van Assche
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January CALIBRATE project One of the objectives: To research machine-readable descriptions of national curricula and investigate mapping approaches that can improve the semantic interoperability between systems in the discovery, evaluation and use of learning resources Example: If a teacher in Austria tags a resource according to the Austrian national curriculum can a teacher in Flanders find it when browsing the Flemish regional curriculum if it is indeed on the same subject?
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Challenges Interoperability of Curricula Linking resources to curricula using the LOM and perhaps other ways
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Curricula at different levels
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Real Curriculum Example 1.1 Number theory Concept formation/knowledge of facts The pupils 1 can associate natural, whole and rational numbers with realistic and meaningful contexts; 2 know the symbol rules for whole and rational numbers; 3 know that the properties of the operations in the set of natural numbers remain valid and can be expanded in the sets of whole and rational numbers; 4 distinguish and understand the various notations of rational numbers (fractional and decimal notation); 5 use the appropriate terminology in relation to operations: addition, sum, terms of a sum, subtraction, difference, multiplication, product, factors of a product, division, quotient, dividend, divisor, remainder, percent, square, square root, power, base, exponent, opposite, reciprocal, absolute value, average.
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Tagging the curriculum A curriculum item can be expressed as a set of targeted competences (see bullets) 1 The pupils can associate natural, whole and rational numbers with realistic and meaningful contexts; Associate natural numbers with realistic and meaningful context Associate integers with realistic and meaningful context Associate rational numbers with realistic and meaningful context A competence is defined in terms of – Example: Topic: integers Action expression: Associate with realistic context
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Topic Taxonomy
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Action Expression Taxonomy Anderson and Kratwohl (2001) Kratwohl, Bloom, and Masia (1964) Dave (1975)
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Taxonomies The pupils can associate natural, whole and rational numbers with realistic and meaningful contexts Associate integers with realistic and meaningful contexts Integer Associate with realistic context
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Linking resources and curricula By Extension By Intension Linking a particular curriculum item (or competency) to one or more resources Linking a particular resource to one or more curriculum items (or competencies) CI-046 could make use of LO-007, LO-876, Or LO-432 LO-432 could be used in support of CI-046, CI-321, Or CI-642 CI-046 could make use of LOs with age 8-9 and Language nl and Competency C-067 LO-432 could be used in Support of curriculum Items with competencies C-067 or C-531
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Intensional description of resources Possible LOM elements: Keyword, Coverage, Structure, Aggregation Level, Interactivity Type, Learning Resource Type, Interactivity Level, Semantic Density, Intended End User Role, Context, Typical Age Range, Difficulty, Typical Learning Time, Language, Classification (discipline, purpose).
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Finding resources to the curriculum 1.1 Number theory Concept formation/knowledge of facts 1 The pupils can associate natural, whole and rational numbers with realistic and meaningful contexts; 2 The pupils know the symbol rules for whole and rational numbers; Recall symbol rules for integers Recall symbol rules for rational numbers 12 Resources 8 Resources
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Relating resources to the curriculum 1.1 Number theory Concept formation/knowledge of facts 1 The pupils can associate natural, whole and rational numbers with realistic and meaningful contexts; 2 The pupils know the symbol rules for whole and rational numbers; Recall symbol rules for integers Recall symbol rules for rational numbers Relate
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Other ways of finding resources Interviews of teachers – Browsing the Topic taxonomy possibly up to competencies – Browsing the Action expression taxonomy possibly up to competencies Relaxing the search
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Taxonomies Number as BT of Integer Associate as BT of Associate with realistic context
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Preliminary Evaluation Teachers – Focusgroup confirms usefulness Scientific – Grounded into a long tradition Some Ministries confirm usefulness Try it yourself – Try to find resources suitable for developing the competency “Associate integers with realistic and meaningful context” with Google
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Discussing The Approach Makes interoperability possible by making use of two smaller controlled vocabularies Builds on proven technologies, i.e. thesauri, and well-known vocabularies for the action expressions Allows for relaxing the search criteria building upon the hierarchical structure of the two vocabularies Is resilient to change in curricula and to the addition of new curricula Fits very well with the current practice of describing learning objects (section 9 of the IEEE LOM standard can be used without alteration)
TenCompetence Workshop - 11 January Contact / Information Frans Van Assche