E-POWER MARKETING Clients include eBay, 5-Hour Energy, Océ, International Housewares Association Oshkosh Full-Service Search Engine Marketing Agency Search Engine Optimization Pay Per Click Advertising Social Media Marketing Reputation Management Local Search Marketing Web Analytics
LARRY STOPA Founded E-Power Marketing in years experience in marketing communications with a specialty in technology Internet marketing since 1995
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING Professor Lynch asked What I see in the future of Social Media What companies are looking for Change Absolutely guarantee Change
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING Facebook or MySpace? May 2008, 5-Hour wanted to choose between MySpace or Facebook User numbers about the same E-Power recommended MySpace for demographics Within one year, we adjusted the effort to Facebook
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING Facebook and Twitter Unbelievable number of eyeballs Reminiscent of the Bubble and collapse Eyeballs were important – not revenues, much less profit Start of Bubble - Excite 1998 revenues $154 million – cash flow positive Bought by AT&T in 1999 for $6.7 billion – 44X revenues End of Bubble - CDNow Largest selection of music titles, music sampling, reviews 1999 revenues $130 million - but not profitable Spring 2000 could not guarantee continuing operations Became part of Amazon
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING Facebook (not public, numbers are guesses) 2009: $777 million revenue; $100 million profit 2010: $2 billion revenues; $400 million profit 2011: $4.27 billion revenues $3.8 billion from advertising $470 million from Facebook Credits, a virtual-currency program that lets users buy premium items and content in games (FarmVille, CityVille, Lady Gaga buying FarmVille for a day)
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING Twitter (not public, numbers are guesses) 2010: $45 million revenues 2011: $150 million revenues Unknown if there is any profit Valuation of 100X revenue
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING LinkedIn (NYSE) Business Networking Community Personal Profiles or Résumés Company Profiles Groups 2011: $450 million revenues Little or no profit Highest Price-Revenue Ratio of Any Stock
CRYSTAL BALL GAZING Groupon – Eric Lefkofsky and Brad Keywell Prediction - Gone in about 2 years Business model is unsustainable Can’t hold retailers or customers High cost of customer acquisition Principles became rich on hype, not from profitable businesses Google “Starbelly Halo Brandon Apparel Group ” Starbelly from “The Sneetches and Other Stories” by Dr. Seuss Ha-Lo once large promotional company that bought Starbelly Brandon Apparel Group of Columbus, Wis bought by founders of Groupon “The checkered past of Groupon's chairman” “ founders face flurry of lawsuits”
VALUE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINESS Interact with and engage target audiences Gain market feedback Build brand Increase customer loyalty Promotions Increase online audience reach Improve organic search visibility
WHAT DO COMPANIES SEEK IN SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PROFESSIONALS? Companies still figuring out how to use Social Media Customers expect companies/brands to use Social Media Want to ask questions and interact Brands must manage online reputation Loss of control is worrisome to executives Poor measurement of effectiveness and ROI impede further investment Poor for Website traffic, sales and lead generation Good for Branding and Customer Loyalty Advertising on Facebook and LinkedIn look more fertile for measurable ROI That is advertising, not Social Media Marketing
SKILLS TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR A CAREER IN WEB MARKETING Marketing Writing Technology-savvy especially spreadsheets Web development People skills Be the bridge between stakeholders
PEOPLE SKILLS BRIDGE BETWEEN STAKEHOLDERS Understand the jargon of each stakeholder Marketing IT Executives Understand the motivations and objectives of each stakeholder Management: ROI and Cost Control IT: Control of systems and processes Web developers: Cool design, slick features Marketing: Brand lift, integration with other efforts Sales: Increased sales Legal: Privacy & terms of service Site visitors: What do they want?
PROMPT CUSTOMER SERVICE Who are your customers? Your boss Everyone in the project Open lines of communication Reply to s Return phone calls Show up on time for meetings
FUTURE OUTLOOK FOR WEB MARKETING CAREERS Overall spending on Advertising is flat Exceptions are TV and online Spending on Interactive advertising is growing fast Online advertising expected to grow 56% between now and 2014 By 2016, online spending will equal TV spending at about $77 billion SEO spending increased 43% this year Social Media: 80% of Internet users visit Social networks or blogs Mobile is exploding Web Social Media Advertising
HOW DO YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES? Educate yourself across disciplines Follow your passions Proactively seek out opportunities, even create your own opportunities Network When you land a job Be on the Ball! Thoroughly think through every detail Be creative with your resources Take assignments to the next level to exceed expectations Promptly reply to messages