Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan Skill Gain Study
About the Study Conducted in May 2007 Analysis of a sample of WBL Plans Sample of 900 WBL Plans contributed by five regions Sample included WBL Plans in a variety of stages, including 433 WBL Plans with first and second reviews
About the Study - Background First systematic look at the use of the new WBL Plan, which was introduced in May 2006 This study is similar to the FY2001 Skill Gain Study, which looked at the use of the original WBL Plan
Questions Do participants gain skills during their work-based learning experiences? What skills do participants learn? How can employers and youth service providers maximize the benefits of work-based learning experiences?
Analysis WBL Plans were merged from the Microsoft Word version and/or the FileMaker Pro database screens into a single database.
Analysis The database “Skill Gain Report” screens select plans with a first and second review, and, for each skill, present the average rating at the first review, the average rating at the second review, the average change, and the number of plans included. The analysis can be done for all plans in the database or for any subset of plans.
Job and Internship Skill Gain Foundation Skills May 2007 Skill Gain Study. From a sample of 433 WBL Plans
Job and Internship Skill Gain Career and Workplace Specific Skills May 2007 Skill Gain Study. From a sample of 433 WBL Plans
What “Career and Workplace Specific” skills are selected most? Collecting and Organizing Information (N=174) Time Management (N=126) Equipment Operation (N=120) Computer Technology (N=100) Interacting with Customers or Clients (N=94) Reading (N=80) Project Management (N=63) Writing (N=59) Teaching and Instructing (N=48) Math and Numeric Analysis (N=41) May 2007 Skill Gain Study. From a sample of 433 WBL Plans
What other “Career and Workplace Specific” skills are identified? Accounting skills Administrative duties Allocating Materials Assessment of skills Assist therapist Attention to Detail Basic Administrating Basic Maintenance Basic Office Skills Blueprint Reading Business-Related Skills Care of the kennel/hospital Classroom Management Clerical duties Clerical tasks Client Interaction Clinical observation Collecting and Organizing Information Communication Community Policing Communication, Information, and acting in a professional manner. Computer Skills Computer Technology Courtroom-Specific Skills Customer Service Data Entry Data Management and Backup Decision Making Demonstrating Authority Design Skills Detective Bureau - Time Management - Collecting & Organizing Information
What other “Career and Workplace Specific” skills are identified? Education-Specific Skills Emergency calls Equipment Operation Equipment Repair Event set up Flexibility Graphic design projects Group presentations Interacting with customers and clients Interacting with others Interacting with Patients Interacting with Students Interacting with Teachers, Students & Mentors Interaction within the preschool and classroom settings Journalism-Specific Skills Keeping attendance records Legal-Specific Skills Maintenance Mathematical analysis Mathematics Mathematics and Numeric Analysis Motivation and Taking Initiative MS Office Suite Nursing Career exploration Nursing-Specific Skills Occupational-Specific Skills
What other “Career and Workplace Specific” skills are identified? Office management Office Skills Operating a Dirt Compacter Operating Laser and Transit Patrol, Community Policing Physical Therapy skills Preparing materials Prioritizing Probation Office-Specific Skills Problem Solving Professional behavior Project Management PT-Specific Skills Reading Research and Analysis Safety and Precautions Teaching and Instructing Teamwork Therapeutic interaction with patients and families. Time Management Troubleshooting Understanding All Aspects Understanding all aspects of a surgical ICU unit Understanding All Aspects of the Industry Understanding Materials Understanding Systems Understanding Technology Using Technology Volunteer management Working with animals Writing
What Contributes to Skill Gain? Skill Gain was highest for: Participants whose WBLPs had longer-than-average job descriptions and skills/tasks descriptions; Participants whose WBLPs had longer-than-average written goals and comments; Participants whose job titles included the word “intern”; Participants who were in programs in which employers provided jobs/internships for two or more participants.
Factors Contributing to Skill Gain These findings DON’T suggest that you have to “write a lot” in the Work-Based Learning Plan, or use the word “intern” in the job title. But these findings DO suggest that: Any time and effort put into using the Work-Based Learning Plan effectively results in higher skill gain. While all jobs represent valuable learning experiences, jobs/internships that are set up as formal learning experiences result in especially strong skill gains.
Resources The Work-Based Learning Plans provided for this study were used in the development of a set of print and online resources, available at: or Also -- the School to Career Database provides screens that allow you to produce the same data based on Work- Based Learning Plans developed in your program. Look for the button for “Skill Gain Reports” on the database’s Reports Menu and on the WBLP screen.
For More Information Keith Westrich MA Department of Education 350 Main Street Malden, MA Tel: Fax: Or