Parallel Programming on Computational Grids. Outline Grids Application-level tools for grids Parallel programming on grids Case study: Ibis.


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Presentation transcript:

Parallel Programming on Computational Grids

Outline Grids Application-level tools for grids Parallel programming on grids Case study: Ibis

Grids Seamless integration of geographically distributed computers, databases, instruments –The name is an analogy with power grids Highly active research area –Global Grid Forum (now called Open Grid Forum) –Globus middleware –Many European projects e.g. Gridlab: Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed –VL-e (Virtual laboratory for e-Science) project –….

Why Grids? New distributed applications that use data or instruments across multiple administrative domains and that need much CPU power –Computer-enhanced instruments –Collaborative engineering –Browsing of remote datasets –Use of remote software –Data-intensive computing –Very large-scale simulation –Large-scale parameter studies

Web, Grids and e-Science Web is about exchanging information Grid is about sharing resources –Computers, data bases, instruments e-Science supports experimental science by providing a virtual laboratory on top of Grids –Support for visualization, workflows, data management, security, authentication, high-performance computing

The big picture Management of comm. & computing Management of comm. & computing Management of comm. & computing Potential Generic part Potential Generic part Potential Generic part Application Virtual Laboratory Application oriented services Grids Harness distributed resources

Applications e-Science experiments generate much data, that often is distributed and that need much (parallel) processing –high-resolution imaging: ~ 1 GByte per measurement –Bio-informatics queries: 500 GByte per database –Satellite world imagery: ~ 5 TByte/year –Current particle physics: 1 PByte per year –LHC physics (2007): PByte per year

Grid programming The goal of a grid is to make resource sharing very easy (transparent) Practice: grid programming is very difficult –Finding resources, running applications, dealing with heterogeneity and security, etc. Grid middleware (Globus Toolkit) makes this somewhat easier, but is still low-level and changes frequently Need application-level tools

Application-level tools Paper (on Blackboard): –Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure (2nd Edition, editors I. Foster and C. Kesselman); Chapter 24: Application-Level tools (Bal, Casanova, Dongarra, Matsuoka) Builds on grid software infrastructure Isolates users from dynamics of the grid hardware infrastructure Generic (broad classes of applications) Easy-to-use

Taxonomy of existing application-level tools Grid programming models –RPC –Task parallelism –Message passing –Java programming Grid application execution environments –Parameter sweeps –Workflow –Portals

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) GridRPC: specialize RPC-style (client/server) programming for grids –Allows coarse-grain task parallelism & remote access –Extended with resource discovery, scheduling, etc. Example: NetSolve –Solves numerical problems on a grid Current development: use web technology (WSDL, SOAP) for grid services Web and grid technology are merging

Task parallelism Many systems for task parallelism (master-worker, replicated workers) exist for the grid Examples –MW (master-worker) –Satin: divide&conquer (hierarchical master-worker)

Message passing Several MPI implementations exist for the grid PACX MPI (Stutgart): –Runs on heterogeneous systems MagPIe (Thilo Kielmann): –Optimizes MPI’s collective communication for hierarchical wide-area systems MPICH-G2: – Similar to PACX and MagPIe, implemented on Globus

Java programming Java uses bytecode and is very portable –``Write once, run anywhere’’ Can be used to handle heterogeneity Many systems now have Java interfaces: –Globus (Globus Java Commodity Grid) –MPI (MPIJava, MPJ, …) –Gridlab Application Toolkit (Java GAT) Ibis and ProActive are Java-centric grid programming systems

Parameter sweep applications Computations what are mostly independent –E.g. run same simulation many times with different parameters Can tolerate high network latencies, can easily be made fault-tolerant Many systems use this type of trivial parallelism to harness idle desktops –APST, Entropia, XtremWeb

Workflow applications Link and compose diverse software tools and data formats –Connect modules and data-filters Results in coarse-grain, dataflow-like parallelism that can be run efficiently on a grid Several workflow management systems exist –E.g. Virtual Lab Amsterdam (predecessor VL-e)

Portals Graphical interfaces to the grid Often application-specific Also portals for resource brokering, file transfers, etc.

Outline Grids Application-level tools for grids Parallel programming on grids Case study: Ibis

Distributed supercomputing Parallel processing on geographically distributed computing systems (grids) Examples: ( ), RSA-155, Entropia, Cactus Currently limited to trivially parallel applications Questions: –Can we generalize this to more HPC applications? –What high-level programming support is needed?

Grids versus supercomputers Performance/scalability –Speedups on geographically distributed systems? Heterogeneity –Different types of processors, operating systems –Different networks (Ethernet, Myrinet, WANs) General grid issues –Resource management, co-allocation, firewalls, security, authorization, accounting, fault tolerance, malleability …. Wide-Area Grid Systems

Approaches Performance/scalability –Exploit hierarchical structure of grids (previous project: Albatross) Heterogeneity –Use Java + JVM (Java Virtual Machine) technology General grid issues –Studied in many grid projects: VL-e, GridLab, GGF

Grids usually are hierarchical –Collections of clusters, supercomputers –Fast local links, slow wide-area links Can optimize algorithms to exploit this hierarchy –Minimize wide-area communication Successful for many applications –Did many experiments on a homogeneous wide-area test bed (DAS) Speedups on a grid?

Example: N-body simulation Much wide-area communication –Each node needs info about remote bodies CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 1 CPU 2 AmsterdamDelft

Trivial optimization AmsterdamDelft CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 1 CPU 2

Wide-area optimizations Message combining on wide-area links Latency hiding on wide-area links Collective operations for wide-area systems –Broadcast, reduction, all-to-all exchange Load balancing Conclusions: –Many applications can be optimized to run efficiently on a hierarchical wide-area system –Need better programming support

Outline Grids Application-level tools for grids Parallel programming on grids Case study: Ibis –Paper (on Blackboard): van Nieuwpoort et al., AGRIDM’03 (Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware, New Orleans, Sept. 2003

The Ibis system High-level & efficient programming support for distributed supercomputing on heterogeneous grids Use Java-centric approach + JVM technology –Inherently more portable than native compilation “Write once, run anywhere ” –Requires entire system to be written in pure Java Goal: drastically simplify programming and deployment of grid applications

Global picture

Ibis programming support Ibis provides –Remote Method Invocation (RMI) –Replicated objects (RepMI) - as in Orca –Group/collective communication (GMI) - as in MPI –Divide & conquer (Satin) - as in Cilk All integrated in a clean, object-oriented way into Java, using special “marker” interfaces –Invoking native library (e.g. MPI) would give up Java’s “run anywhere” portability

Compiling/optimizing programs source Optimizations are done by bytecode rewriting –E.g. compiler-generated serialization Java compiler bytecode rewriter JVM source bytecode

Satin: a parallel divide-and-conquer system on top of Ibis Divide-and-conquer is inherently hierarchical More general than master/worker Satin: Cilk-like primitives (spawn/sync) in Java New load balancing algorithm (CRS) –Cluster-aware random work stealing

Example interface FibInter { public int fib(long n); } class Fib implements FibInter { int fib (int n) { if (n < 2) return n; return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); } Single-threaded Java

Java + divide&conquer Example interface FibInter extends ibis.satin.Spawnable { public int fib(long n); } class Fib extends ibis.satin.SatinObject implements FibInter { public int fib (int n) { if (n < 2) return n; int x = fib (n - 1); int y = fib (n - 2); sync(); return x + y; } GridLab testbed

Ibis implementation Want to exploit Java’s “run everywhere” property, but –That requires 100% pure Java implementation, no single line of native code –Hard to use native communication (e.g. Myrinet) or native compiler/runtime system Ibis approach: –Reasonably efficient pure Java solution (for any JVM) –Optimized solutions with native code for special cases

Ibis design TCPP2PMPI Application Ibis Portability Layer (IPL)‏ Smart Sockets GMUDP RMISatinRepMIGMIMPJ

Fast communication in pure Java Manta system [ACM TOPLAS Nov. 2001] –RMI at RPC speed, but using native compiler & RTS Ibis does similar optimizations, but in pure Java –Compiler-generated serialization at bytecode level 5-9x faster than using runtime type inspection –Reduce copying overhead Zero-copy native implementation for primitive arrays Pure-Java requires type-conversion (=copy) to bytes

Java/Ibis vs. C/MPI on Pentium-3 cluster (using SOR)

Grid deployment JavaGAT: Java Grid Application Toolkit –Make applications independent of underlying grid –Used for file copying, resource discovery, job submission & monitoring, user authentication –API is currently standardized (SAGA) Zorilla P2P system –Job management, gossiping, clustering, flood scheduling

Ibis applications / external users e-Science (VL-e) –Brain MEG-imaging –Mass spectroscopy Multimedia content analysis Video processing Many HPC applications –SAT-solver, N-body, grammar learning, …. D-Grid: Workflow engine for astronomy U. Erlangen: grid file system INRIA: ProActive on Ibis RMI U. Patras: Jylab scientific computing UPC Barcelona: Grid Superscalar HITACHI: Peta-scale data management

Early Grid experiences with Ibis Using Satin divide-and-conquer system –Implemented with Ibis in pure Java, using TCP/IP Application measurements on –DAS-2 (homogeneous) –Testbed from EC GridLab project (heterogeneous) –Grid’5000 (France) – N Queens challenge

Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (DAS) 2 VU (72 nodes) UvA (32) Leiden (32) Delft (32) GigaPort (1-10 Gb) Utrecht (32)

Satin on wide-area DAS-2

Satin on GridLab Heterogeneous European grid testbed Implemented Satin/Ibis on GridLab, using TCP

GridLab Latencies: –9-200 ms (daytime), 9-66 ms (night) Bandwidths: – KB/s


Experiences No support for co-allocation yet (done manually) Firewall problems everywhere –Addressed with ‘SmartSockets’ library Java indeed runs anywhere modulo bugs in (old) JVMs Need clever load balancing mechanism (CRS)

Cluster-aware Random Stealing Use Cilk’s Random Stealing (RS) inside cluster When idle –Send asynchronous wide-area steal message –Do random steals locally, and execute stolen jobs –Only 1 wide-area steal attempt in progress at a time Prefetching adapts –More idle nodes  more prefetching

Performance on GridLab Problem: how to define efficiency on a grid? Our approach: –Benchmark each CPU with Raytracer on small input –Normalize CPU speeds (relative to a DAS-2 node) –Our case: 40 CPUs, equivalent to 24.7 DAS-2 nodes –Define: T_perfect = sequential time / 24.7 efficiency = T_perfect / actual runtime –Also compare against single 25-node DAS-2 cluster

Results for Raytracer RS = Random Stealing, CRS = Cluster-aware RS

Some statistics Variations in execution times: day: hour day: less than 20 secs variation Internet communication (total): –RS: 11,000 (night) - 150,000 (day) messages 137 (night) (day) MB –CRS: 10, ,000 messages MB

N-Queens Challenge How many ways are there to arrange N non-attacking queens on an NxN chessboard ?

Known Solutions Currently, all solutions up to N=25 are known Result N=25 was computed using the 'spare time' of 260 machines Took 6 months Used over 53 cpu-years!

N-Queens Challenge How many solutions can you calculate in 1 hour, using as many machines as you can get ? Part of the PlugTest 2005 and 2006 held in Sophia Antipolis

Satin & Ibis Our submission used a Satin/Ibis application Uses Satin (Divide & Conquer) to solve N-Queens recursively Satin distributes different parts of the computation over the Grid –Uses Ibis for communication

Satin & Ibis Used the Grid 5000 testbed to run –Large testbed distributed over France Currently contains some 2500 CPU's Will (eventually) contain 5000 CPU's

Largest Satin/Ibis Run Our best run used 961 CPUs on 5 clusters for a single application –Largest number of CPUs of all contestants Solved N=22 in 25 minutes Second place in the 2005 contest

Recent results Ibis wins First IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2008) – 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Gri d, May, Lyon, France Ibis wins Data Analysis Challenge for Finding Supernovae – IEEE Cluster/Grid 2008 Conference, 29 September - 1 October, Tsukuba, Japan

Data challenge Find (potential) supernovae in a large set of images captured by the Subaru telescope (Mauna Kea, Hawai)

Another result from last week

Current work: VL-e VL-e: Virtual Laboratories for e-Science Large Dutch project ( ): –40 M€ (20 M€ BSIK funding from Dutch goverment) 20 partners –Academia: Amsterdam, TU Delft, VU, CWI, NIKHEF,.. –Industry: Philips, IBM, Unilever, CMG,....

DAS-3DAS-3 Next generation grid in the Netherlands Partners: –NWO & NCF (Dutch science foundation) –ASCI –Gigaport-NG/SURFnet: DWDM computer backplane (dedicated optical group of up to 8 lambdas) –VL-e and MultimediaN BSIK projects Optical 10Gb/s interconnect with Grid’5000 CPU’s R R R R R NOC

StarPlane project Application-specific management of optical networks Future applications can: –dynamically allocate light paths, of 10 Gbit/sec each –control topology through the Network Operations Center Gives flexible, dynamic, high-bandwidth links Research questions: –How to provide this flexibility (across domains)? –How to integrate optical networks with applications? Joint project with Cees de Laat (Univ. of Amsterdam), funded by NWO

Summary Parallel computing on Grids (distributed supercomputing) is a challenging and promising research area Many grid programming environmenents exist Ibis: a Java-centric Grid programming environment –Portable (“run anywhere”) and efficient Current work: Virtual Laboratory for e-Science (VL-e), DAS-3, StarPlane