Decision Making Reviewing and Selecting Solutions
The Review and Selection Process 2. Set criteria for solutions 3. Consider alternative solutions 4. Evaluate alternatives 5. Select one or more solutions 1. Consider strategies to meet the needs
Step1: Select Solutions to Meet the Needs What is What should be Possible Solutions Step1: Select Srategies to Meet the Needs
Step 2: Set Criteria for Solutions Set criteria (standards) for judging the merits of alternative solution strategies. acceptability feasibilityeffect on causes Minimum criteria would be:
Feasibility Involves financial & human resources as well as the scope of the solution. Acceptability Relates to stakeholder approval, ethical considerations & appropriateness. Characteristics
Effect on Causes The degree to which the solution will bring about change in the cause one wishes to change.
Step 3 & 4: Evaluate and Select Alternative Solutions Is each potential solution supported by research and evaluation data? Does the solution address criticality of need and the likelihood the solution will address causal factors? Short term solutions sometimes do not address causes.
Step 5: Select Solutions Evaluate each solution against the evaluation criteria. Consider whether each high ranking solution will effect change in the desired direction. From those that are high ranking and effect change, select one or more solutions for each need area.