Marketing Arizona Cooperative Extension: The Logic Model Approach (and more)
Marketing consists of the strategies and tactics used to identify, create and maintain satisfying relationships with customers that result in value for both the customer and the marketer.
Marketing? Public Relations?
The agendas of public relations and marketing are different. Marketing is interested in the market — consumers and demand. Public relations is interested in relationships— reducing conflict and improving cooperation.
Good public relations will create a healthy environment for marketing. But simply providing technical support for marketing is not the same as good public relations.
Marketing consists of the strategies and tactics used to identify, create and maintain satisfying relationships with customers that result in value for both the customer and the marketer.
Who’s the Customer (Audience)? That Depends… StakeholdersClienteleOurselvesReporters
Strategies and Tactics Strategies--the direction the marketing effort will take over some period of time Tactics--actionable steps or decisions made in order to follow the strategies established. If a strategy is to provide education to a new market (such as the exurban), the tactics may involve the marketing decisions made to carry this out.
Marketing Arizona Cooperative Extension What’s the Goal? Identify - Arguably the most important marketing function involves efforts needed to gain knowledge of customers, competitors, and markets.
Competition forces marketers to be creative people. Who are we competing against?
Maintain Today's marketers work hard to insure their customers return to purchase from them again. Marketing success is evaluated not only in terms of sales figures but also by how long a marketer can retain good customers. Consequently, marketers' efforts to attract customers does not end when a customer makes a purchase. It continues in various ways for, hopefully, a long time after the initial purchase. How does this relate to extension work?
Satisfying Relationships A key objective of marketing is to provide products and services that customers really want AND to make customers feel their contact with the marketer is helping to build a good relationship between the two. In this way the customer is made to feel as if she/he is a partner in the transaction not just a source of revenue for the marketer.
Once the new venture is launched innovation does not end. Competitive pressure is continually felt by the marketer, who must respond by devising new strategies and tactics that help the organization remain successful.
What’s the Desired Outcome? Start from the end Does this sound familiar?
The Arizona Cooperative Extension logic model contains six components with Inputs- Outputs-Outcomes central to the built-in response to the model
Situation: The context and need that gives rise to a program or initiative; logic models are built in response to an existing situation. Marketing materials are built-in response to an existing situation (or should be)
Inputs: The resources, contributions, and investments that are made in response to the situation. Inputs lead to Outputs. Focus groups, surveys of communication needs, publication production (including Writing, image gathering, design, layout and printing)
Outputs: The activities, products, methods, and services that reach people and users. Outputs lead to outcomes. Distribution of marketing materials
Outcomes: The results and benefits for individuals, groups, agencies, communities and/or systems. Marketing assessment of effectiveness of materials
Environment: The surrounding environment in which the program exists and which influences the implementation and success of the initiative, including (but not limited to) politics, climate, socio-economic factors, market forces. Who’s the target audience?
Who’s the Customer (Audience)? That Depends… StakeholdersClienteleOurselvesReporters
Assumptions: The beliefs we have about the program, the participants and the way we expect the program to operate; the principles that guide our work, Faulty assumptions may be the reason we don't achieve the expected outcomes. Maybe the brochure isn’t what you need.
Constantly Revisit “Message” Staff turnover Legislative term limits Shifting media markets
The 1 x 3 x 3 method One main message –Three messages about this –Three messages from each of these three
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
Law of the Category If you can’t be first in a specific category, set up a new category (and be first in it)
Law of Perception Marketing is not a battle of products, it’s a battle of perception
Law of Focus The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the prospect’s mind. What’s our word?
Resources The Tipping Point 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing University of California: Marketing Cooperative Extension at the Local Level Texas A & M Identity Guidelines
Marketing Arizona Cooperative Extension What’s the Goal?
Who are we competing against?
What’s our word?