Ray Belanger
Budget of over $2.8 Billion Active in 190 countries
1)Child Survival and Development 2)Basic Education and Gender Equality 3)HIV/AIDS and Children 4)Child Protection 5)Policy Advocacy and Partnerships
1)Child Survival and Development 2)Basic Education and Gender Equality 3)HIV/AIDS and Children 4)Child Protection 5)Policy Advocacy and Partnerships
1)Child Survival and Development 2)Basic Education and Gender Equality 3)HIV/AIDS and Children 4)Child Protection 5)Policy Advocacy and Partnerships
“Education enhances lives. It ends generational cycles of poverty and disease and provides a foundation for sustainable development.”
1)Child Survival and Development 2)Basic Education and Gender Equality 3)HIV/AIDS and Children 4)Child Protection 5)Policy Advocacy and Partnerships
There are: 20 million AIDS orphans worldwide 2 million children under the age of 15 living with AIDS 1.4 million pregnant women with AIDS in low-income countries
1)Child Survival and Development 2)Basic Education and Gender Equality 3)HIV/AIDS and Children 4)Child Protection 5)Policy Advocacy and Partnerships
1)Child Survival and Development 2)Basic Education and Gender Equality 3)HIV/AIDS and Children 4)Child Protection 5)Policy Advocacy and Partnerships
Bibliography Images: blog.probetv.com childinfo.com fairplayforchildren.org time.com thebethuneinstitute.org unicef.org The Bethune Institute. Nobel Prize. Digital image. Bethune Institute Web. 29 Nov Hackett, Mary Anne. "Will UNICEF Stop Promoting Abortion?" Will UNICEF Stop Promoting Abortion? Illinois Right to Life Committee, 13 May Web. 29 Nov Probe TV. CRC kids. Digital image. ProbeTV. Probe TV. Web.. The Schuster Institute. "Debunking the Orphan Myth." Brandeis University. The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, Web. 29 Nov UNAIDS. UNAIDS REPORT ON THE GLOBAL AIDS EPIDEMIC Publication. UNAIDS, Web. 29 Nov UNICEF. "Statistics by Area." Childinfo.org: Web. 29 Nov