3/17/03 Directions in Telecommunications An Initial View of the Gilhousen Telecommunications Program Richard S. Wolff, Ph. D March 24, 2003
3/17/03 Outline Initiatives in research Educational initiatives And some other stuff
3/17/03 Research initiatives Wireless systems – what might work in Montana Moving optical technology from the bench top to systems applications Systems issues for transparent optical networks Optical networks for demanding applications – beyond Internet2
3/17/03 Wireless systems – what might work in Montana Can we cost-effectively cross the digital divide? –Use the demographics of Montana –Mix of high and low-bandwidth services –Select emerging wireless technologies –Use high-level, technology-based model to explore the cost/benefits of alternative wireless technologies
3/17/03 SWAT: Strategic Wireless Analysis Tool Service & Technology Opportunity Deployment and Coverage Plan $$$ ? 03.5 Miles 7 Baltimore BTA Low Tier Coverage Areas 1. High Rise Business 2. High Rise Residence 3. Urban Mix 4. Urban Shoulder 5. Suburban 6. Rural FDI MDFMDF CO RN Copper Copper or Fiber Copper SU To PCS Provider Wireless and Wired Architecture Market Services Spectrum Technology Economic Results
3/17/03 Rapid evaluation of the impacts of alternatives on economics Service & Network Designs Demand, Traffic, & Rate Plans Detailed Technology Options Business Economic Results Detailed Analysis Reports
3/17/03 A novel low-cost fixed access system: candidate for cost/benefit analysis
3/17/03 Convergence? Use of WiFi for fixed Internet access
3/17/03 Status SWAT software license acquired and installed Graduate student (Mingliu Zhang) gathering data, developing models Applied for “Wireless Montana” study funding “Wireless Montana” workshop – Sept Apply methodology to telematics: working with WTI to define CANAMEX Coalition “Smart Traveler Corridor” project
3/17/03 Moving optical technology from the bench top to systems applications Spectrum Lab is rich with interesting optical materials research Focus has been primarily on device-level (tunable lasers, narrow line widths, optical processing, etc.) Launch exploratory work on telecom system applications of spatial-spectral holography
3/17/03 COMPLEX LASER PROGRAMMING SEQUENCE time 1,000,000 Band Optical Equalizer Spectral Holographic Grating Absorption Spatial-Spectral Holographic Processing Source:
3/17/03 Buffer Memory and Arbitrary Waveform Generation Correlative Processing and Pulse Shaping True-Time-Delay Spatial-Spectral Holographic Processing – some possible uses Source:
3/17/03 Spatial-Spectral Holographic Processing – telecom system ideas Proposal for EPSCoR graduate student support to explore system-level applications of SSH: –dispersion and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) compensation – multi-mode fiber demultiplexing –all-optical reconfigurable routing Goal: enable ultra-high capacity all-optical networking using the additional capacity of modal multiplexing in multimode fibers
3/17/03 Systems issues for transparent optical networks Problem: switching at optical signals and then combining multiple wavelengths onto a single fiber introduces transients and power level shifts End-to-end performance will be affected by cascades of switches and amplifiers
3/17/03 ATDNet: An Experimental Transparent Optical Network
3/17/03 Optical Burst Transmission Experiment ATDNet, LTS-NRL-LTS Runser et. al, LEOS, 2002
3/17/03 Proposal submitted to DARPA/NSF PTAP Acquire Calient prototype MEMS switch, Corning EDFA via PTAP Conduct system level studies of effects Of transients on end-to-end performance Explore active control to mitigate transient effects Develop engineering guidelines for Transparent optical network design Explore mesh network routing and control mechanisms
3/17/03 Status Proposal for graduate student support submitted to EPSCoR Proposal for MEMS switch and EDFA submitted to PTAP Surplus optical test equipment acquired from Telcordia Graduate student (Saritha Acher) beginning to work with equipment Exploring additional NSF program opportunities for optical technology applications
3/17/03 Optical networks for demanding applications – beyond Internet2 Several applications at MSU that demand hiigh bandwidth connectivity, low latency, remote computation, realtime visualization: –CCB: Neuroscience application requiring distributed processing, remote real-time visualization and real- time access to multiple, distributed data sets –Solar Physics: Satellite operations, Virtual Solar Observatory –Ag Science: Multi-state program involving remote sensing data, visualization –Maybe others?
3/17/03 The opportunity: respond to NSF Experimental Infrastructure Network (EIN) Program EIN goals: Explore next generation networks to meet e-science application needs not met by today’s networks NSF looking for application-driven innovation in networks and software Encouraging multi-campus, regional collaborations; Use of pre-market emerging technologies; industry participation
3/17/03 EIN Proposal CS, ECE lead the effort, develop common software and network infrastructure to support multiple applications Partnerships: –Remote sites with application-specific data, computational capabilities, models –Become client of advanced grid computing: OptiPuter project (UCSD) –Join National Light Rail: high speed fiber backbone –Industrial partners: Calient Systems: MEMS-based optical switch Telcordia Technologies: transparent optical network management software
3/17/03 NLR Footprint and Layer 1 (15808s) Topology Terminal, Regen or OADM site (OpAmp sites not shown) Fiber route PIT POR FRE RAL WAL NAS PHO OLG ATL CHI CLE KAN OGD SAC BOS NYC WDC STR DAL DEN LAX SVL SEA SDG
3/17/03 Status CCB, Physics, Ag Science applications identified Collaboration with University of Utah and other sites being discussed Discussions with network providers for access to dark fiber and/or dedicated wavelengths underway Defining software and network requirements ITC support obtained Proposal due May 8
3/17/03 Educational initiatives ECE focus on telecommunications – some curriculum adjustments Gilhousen Telecommunications Colloquium series Gilhousen undergraduate student scholarships Graduate student recruitment
3/17/03 ECE focus on telecommunications – some curriculum adjustments Continue ECE 400 level telecom courses annually (EE 445, EE 446, EE 447) with some adjustments to EE 447 Offer EE 543 (telecom switching and transmission) each fall Add a graduate level course, “advanced topics in telecom systems”, offer annually and allow repeated enrollment Encourage EE/telecom majors to take CS 440,”computer networks” Add a CS or EE course in advanced network architectures and protocols
3/17/03 Gilhousen Telecommunications Colloquium series Broad range of topics, loosely related to telecommunications issues Bring in external speakers, supplement with talks by faculty and grad students Mondays, 2:10 PM 101 Roberts Hall Computer Scientists are WELCOME!!
3/17/03 Gilhousen Telecommunications Colloquium series – Spring 2003 March 17: Trends in Wireless Systems, Rich Wolff March 24: Atmospheric Optical Propagation for Communications and Remote Sensing, Joseph Shaw, ECE March 31: No Colloquium, Infocom April 7: Broadband Access: Powerline Carrier and DSL, Dave Waring, Telcordia April 14: Volunteer Needed!!! April 21: The Evolving Optical Internet, Nim Cheung, IEEE Distinguished Speaker April 28: The Science of Audio in 2003, James Johnston, Microsoft
3/17/03 Gilhousen undergraduate student scholarships Open to ECE majors Ten students, $3500 per year Renewable based on performance Three graduating seniors Obligation to participate in seminars and other activities Good recruiting tool!
3/17/03 Graduate student recruitment The word is out (at least to international students) the MSU is focusing on telecom Looking for students with system-level interests Would like to recruit some MSU undergraduates Synergies with CS recruiting should be explored – clone the relationship with Physics in optical technologies!
3/17/03 And some other stuff Wireless LAN for the College of Engineering –Working with CS, BTC, Physics and ITC to make this happen! Areas for more interdisciplinary work –Apply ad hoc networking principles to telematics applications: CS/ECE/WTI –Explore new approaches to free-space optical communications: ECE/Physics/Spectrum Lab –Routing in all-optical networks: ECE/CS –Software defined radios, migrating applications to mobile hosts: CS/ECE –?????????????????????