The IPUMS-International dynamic metadata system * * * Robert McCaa, Professor of Population History University of Minnesota additional information at:
IPUMS Dynamic Metadata System: 5 “clicks” to compare any census question, in English, for any combination of years and countries in the database 3 “clicks” to view images of original source documentation—census forms and instructions—in the official language (or English translation)
Click 1, access:
Click 2: “variables”
Click 3: Countries and census years
Click 3: Select countries and census years; then, submit sample selections
Click 4: chose a variable (e.g., educational attainment)
Click 5: “enumeration text”
Click 5: Before clicking “enumeration text”, scroll down to see comparability discussion
By clicking “enumeration text”, compare text of enumeration form and instructions for Educational Attainment
For variable availability, click variable name (X = variable available for this census)
For sample counts, click case count view (careful: these are unweighted counts)
For complex variables, click “detailed codes”
For sample counts, click “case count view” (careful: these are unweighted counts)
For images of original source documents, 2 clicks from IPUMS home page: click 1: “Census Questionnaires”
For images of original source documents, 2 clicks from IPUMS home page: click 1: “Census Questionnaires” click 2: country, census year, document
Thank you additional information at: ipums-global * * * * * * Contact: