Team Name Launch Readiness Review Team Members Date Fall 2011 Rev A
User notes –You may reformat to fit your design but make sure you cover the following points –You may want to finalize your Design Document since it will help form your presentation. –This template is the barebones of what is needed. –Each team will have 5 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions
Mission Overview (30 seconds) –Simply state your mission so everyone remembers what it is
Design Overview (30 seconds) –Should be shown with picture(s) of actual hardware
Test Results (3 minutes) –Prove your project is ready for flight –Heart of your presentation –Show test data (graphs, charts, etc) that are labeled, with key events indicated –Structural tests should be included but equal time should be devoted to mission/science tests (present mission/science test first) –Proof should be shown that you have actually recorded, off-loaded, and analyzed your data
Prediction on actual flight results (30 seconds)
Biggest worries/concerns at this point (30 seconds)
RFP/Proposal/Requirement Compliance Matrix (show but do not talk about unless asked)