Conservation Biology A branch of biology that studies the biological diversity with conservation as its main focus Balances human needs for available resources & maintaining biodiversity
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LDC vs MDC & Resource consumption?
Value of Biodiversity Agricultural Value Genetic resources Biological control Many insects are pollinators of flowering plants Source of Food Food from wild animals, fishes, plants, & algae Medicinal Value
Indirect Value of Biodiversity Biogeochemical value Waste disposal Provision of fresh water Prevention of soil erosion Regulation of climate Ecotourism
Causes of Extinction Habitat loss due to human activities Brazilian rain forest loses 2 million hectare/yearhectare/year 60% of coral reefs have been destroyeddestroyed 45% of mangrove ecosystems were lostwere lost Accidental introduction of alien species (purple loosestrife)purple loosestrife Pollution (acid rain, eutrophication, ozone depletion, global warming)eutrophication Overexploitation (overfishing, hunting, illegal collection of decorative plants)
Study case: in U.S spp. were threatened and endangered because of habitat loss, invasion, pollution, & diseases
Agents of Habitat Loss Importance of various forms of habitat loss. (Stein, et al, 2000, pg. 245)
Mangr ove Mangrove estuary (Kenya) showing prop roots (roots from stem that help anchor the plant) Photo by Nico Koedam
Effect of Invasive Species See next slide for the effect of invasive species
America’s least wanted: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
Striga asiatica (witchweed) A parasitic plant of cereals like corn. Accidentally introduced in the States with great consequences Seeds corn witchweed sorghum
Lake Neatahwanta, Fulton NY The Post-Standard, June 4, 2004: Lake algae may be Killing Animals