27 March, 2000 Function General Form FUNCTION function_name (formal_argument_list) type_identifier :: function-name (Declaration section) … (Execution section) … function_name = expr END FUNCTION function_name formal_argument_list is a list of identifiers (may be blank) type_identify is used to identify the type of the FUNCTION Alternate Heading: type_identifier FUNCTION function_name (formal_argument_list)
27 March, 2000 Argument Passing Arguments are used to pass information between (to/from) caller and callee. INTENT Specifier Tells how the arguments are to transfer information – type, INTENT(IN) :: argument for inputs TO either a function or subroutine – type, INTENT(OUT) :: argument for outputs FROM a function or subroutine (but not good practice to have OUT arguments in function) – type, INTENT(INOUT) :: argument for both TO and FROM a subprogram
27 March, 2000 INTENT (IN) specification Used to ensure –value of the actual argument is passed to the formal parameter –the value of the formal argument cannot be changed while the function is being executed Well designed Fortran function –produce a single output value from one or more input values –never modify its own input arguments -- always declare the arguments with INTENT(IN) attribute.
27 March, 2000 Unintended side effects Changing the value of a variable in one part of the program affects, unintentionally, the value of that variable or other variables in other parts of the program. Often dangerous because –they might cause wrong results –are hard to debug (therefore, wrong results might go unnoticed.)
27 March, 2000 Old FORTRAN IV Example In calling program Sum = 0 Sum = addsum (10)... Sum = Sum + 10 Print *, Sum In Function addsum (IMAX)... IMAX = 5 addsum =... (say 20) END Name value in storage Sum 010 IMAX10, then Name value in storage Sum Name value in storage Sum Name value in storage Sum After 5 At 6 Print Sum will give 25 2
27 March, 2000 SUBROUTINE General Form SUBROUTINE Subroutine_name (formal_argument_list) (Declaration section) … (Execution section) … subroutine_name = expr END SUBROUTINE subroutine_name formal_argument_list is a list of identifiers (may be blank)
27 March, 2000 Subroutine Reference Each subroutine should have a header. The program using the subroutine does not declare the subroutine. The subroutine is referenced via a CALL statement The code for the subroutine follows the main program CONTAINS statement and precedes the END PROGRAM statement
27 March, 2000 Subroutine Example SUBROUTINE DDMMSS(Angle) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Angle INTEGER :: Deg, Min, Sec Deg = INT(Angle) Min = INT(Angle * 60) - (Deg * 60) Sec = INT(Angle * 3600) - (Deg * & 3600) - (Min * 60) PRINT *, Angle, ‘ degrees = ‘ PRINT *, Deg, ‘ deg ‘, Min, ‘ min& & ‘, Sec, ‘ sec’ END SUBROUTINE DDMMSS
27 March, 2000 Subroutine Calling Within a program, the subroutine is called as: CALL DDMMSS(Input) At this point in the program execution, the subroutine DDMMSS is called with angle Input as an argument, causing the subroutine to execute and display the angle in DD MM SS format
27 March, 2000 Subroutine Argument Return SUBROUTINE DDMMSS(Angle, DDD, MM, SS) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Angle INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: DDD, MM, SS DDD = INT(Angle) MM = INT(Angle * 60) - (DDD * 60) SS = INT(Angle * 3600) - (DDD * & 3600) - (MM * 60) END SUBROUTINE DDMMSS
27 March, 2000 Subroutine Argument Return The program would include the following statements: CALL DDMMSS(Input, Deg, Min, Sec) PRINT *, Input, ‘ degrees = ‘ PRINT *, Deg, ‘ deg ‘, Min, ‘ min ‘, Sec, ‘ sec‘ Variables DEG, MIN, and SEC are passed to the subroutine to store the computed values for those variables Input Angle Deg DDD Min MM Sec SS Actual arguments Formal arguments
27 March, 2000 Converting With Subroutine DO iRange = Init, Limit, iStep Range = iRange CALL CTOF(Range, Fahr) PRINT *, Range, Fahr END DO Where: SUBROUTINE CTOF(Cel, Far) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Cel REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: Far Far = 1.8 * Cel END SUBROUTINE CTOF Fahr = CTOF(Range) FUNCTION CTOF(Cels) REAL :: CTOF REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Cels CTOF = 1.8 * Cels END FUNCTION CTOF
27 March, 2000 Scope The portion of the program in which an entity (variable, constant, subprogram, types) is visible, i.e., where it is accessible and can be used. Fundamental Principle -- The scope of an entity is the program or subprogram in which it is declared Scope Rule 1 -- An item declared within a subprogram is not accessible outside that subprogram Scope Rule 2 -- A global entity is accessible throughout the main program and in any internal subprogram in which no local entity has the same name as the global item.
27 March, 2000 SAVE attribute Values of local variables in a subprogram are not retained from one execution to the next A variable in a subprogram can retain value if –initialized in the declaration –have SAVE attribute type, SAVE :: list_of_local_variables if list_of_local_variables is omitted, all local variables are saved –For example: INTEGER FUNCTION ADD(…) INTEGER :: COUNT = 0, SUM=0 INTEGER, SAVE :: RUNING_TOTAL : END FUNCTION ADD
27 March, 2000 MODULES A Module –is a program unit to package together type declarations, subprograms, and definitions of new data types –provides a way to bundle a library of useful code to be used in other program units Form: MODULE module_name CONTAINS subprogram1 subprogram2 : type_declarations END MODULE module_name E.g., REAL, PARAMETER:: PI=
27 March, 2000 Modules Modules, once defined, can be used in a programming unit by a USE statement For Example, PROGRAM Complex_Calc USE complex_functions : END PROGRAM Complex_Calc
27 March, 2000 Preparing a Program for Execution You enter the program and save it as a source file The compiler attempts to translate the program You correct syntax error The linker links the new object file with other object files The loader places the load file into memory Executable program in memory Load File Source file on disk New Object File Other Object File Revised Source file List of errors Oops! Good job!
27 March, 2000 Linking Programs and Modules Program source file Module source file Program Object file Module Object file F90 Compiler Linker Executable File
27 March, 2000 External Subprograms Subprogram attached after the END PROGRAM statement Separate and independent from main program No access to each others local variables Information sharing through function name and arguments Use Interface blocks to ease compatibility checking INTERFACE Interface_body END INTERFACE
27 March, 2000 Internal vs External Subprograms -Forms Internal: PROGRAM Main type :: function_name : expr = function_name (..) call subroutine_name (..) : INCLUDES type FUNCTION function_name (..) : function_name = expr1 END FUNCTION function_name SUBROUTINE subroutine_name : END SUBROUTINE subroutine_name END PROGRAM Main External: PROGRAM Main INTERFACE FUNCTION function_name (..) type :: function_name type :: arguments_list END FUNCTION function_name END INTERFACE : expr = function_name (..) : END PROGRAM Main FUNCTION function_name (..) type :: function_name type :: arguments_list : END FUNCTION function_name
27 March, 2000 Module - Form Module MODULE module_name INCLUDES type FUNCTION function_name (..) : function_name = expr1 END FUNCTION function_name SUBROUTINE subroutine_name (..) : END SUBROUTINE subroutine_name : END MODULE module_name PROGRAM Main : USE MODULE module_name : expr = function_name (..) CALL subroutine_name (..) : END PROGRAM Main