IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, 2004 1/6 I F I P International Federation for Information Processing Specialist Group.


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Presentation transcript:

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 I F I P International Federation for Information Processing Specialist Group SG16 on Entertainment Computing

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Aims IFIP was founded in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO. Its basic aims are to promote information in science and technology by fostering international cooperation, by stimulating research, development and the applications of information processing in science and human activity, by furthering the dissemination and exchange of information and by encouraging education in information processing.

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Affiliations IFIP holds a Formal Consultative status with UNESCO and maintains formal relations with other agencies of the UN System During WCC 2002 a joint UNESCO - IFIP World Computer Congress 2002 Declaration on Youth and ICTs was discussed and accepted IFIP is a Scientific Associate with the International Union for Science and maintains contacts with the International Federation of Automatic Control, the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, the International Federation of Operational Research Societies and the International Measurement Confederation.

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 In 2004: 47 Full Members, 3 Corresponding Members 11 Affiliated International Organizations Membership


IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Organization A General Assembly of all IFIP Members takes place annually and has overall responsibility for IFIP’s strategy, finances and activities. It elects a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary and eight Trustees who together form the IFIP Council. Technical Assembly

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Technical Work 12 Technical Committees with 80 Working Groups organizing yearly over 70 international events.

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 At the heart of IFIP lie its Technical Committees that count on the active participation of over two thousand people world- wide. There are twelve such Committees. Each, in effect, is a management team responsible for a given field of activity and for the work of its Working Groups. These groups work in a variety of ways to share experience and to develop their specialized knowledge. These include open conferences, smaller working conferences, seminars and tutorials, circulated papers and, increasingly, as befits our subject, electronic conferencing and .

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Technical Committees TC 1Foundations of Computer Science TC 2Software: Theory and Practice TC 3Education TC 5Computer Applications in Technology TC 6Communication Systems TC 7System Modeling and Optimization TC 8Information Systems TC 9Relationship between Computers and Society TC 10Computer Systems Technology TC 11Security and Protection in IP Systems TC 12Artificial Intelligence TC 13Human - Computer Interaction SG 16Entertainment Computing

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Publications Books - Journals -Technical Committee Reports - Newsletters - Information Bulletins - Other Many IFIP events generate publications and there are annually some 35 to 40 IFIP books and associations with several Journals. Our principal publisher is: KluwerSpringer Entertainment Computing Technologies and Applications edited by Ryohei Nakatsu Kwansei Gakuin University, Sanda, Japan Junichi Hoshino University of Tsukuba, Japan Book Series: IFIP INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING : Volume 112

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Congresses & Major Conferences IFIP's flagship event is its World Computer Congress The 17th Congress was held from 25 to 30 August 2002 in Montreal, Canada The 18th Congress was held from 20 to 27 August 2004 in Toulouse, France There are many other major events organized by IFIP and included in the IFIP Calendar

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Congresses & Major Conferences The 19th Congress is scheduled for August 2006 in Santiago, Chile [click to launch video about Chile]click to launch video about Chile

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing © IFIP SG16, /6 Technical Committee 14 Entertainment Computing To be founded in 2005 Annual ICEC conferences 3 working groups WG 14.1 Entertainment and Storytelling WG 14.2 Entertainment and Robots WG 14.3 Theoretical Foundation of Entertainment