MICE tracker meeting Prototype TOF test for tracker KEK Osaka university Atsushi Horikoshi
contents magnetic field of Super Jacee shape of TOF timing resolution pi2 Analysis calibration for Phase Ⅱ
Phase Ⅱ setup (KEK-PS pi2) perpose measurement of momentum emittance reconstruction
super conducting magnet Super JACEE, 1T 2.1m φ 850 mm vessel for ballon experiment front veiw side view
requirement of TOF π/μ PID 3σresolution momentum scan measurement of absolute value resolution of momentum keep high timing resolution in magnetic field
π/μPID momentum of Phase Ⅱ 300 ~ 600Mev/c timing resolution for 3σPID upstream 50ps down strean 50ps 3σPID
momentum timing resolution upstream 50ps downstream 50ps momentum resolution p<600MeV Δp/p<5.6%
shape of TOF to avoid reduction of timing resolution fine mesh PMT (used BESS experiment) R6504S (hamamatsu, 19DY) PMT is parallel to magnetic field long light guide
magnetic field 1500Gauss,almost parallel satisfies the condition コイル
effect of the ground of 1T thanks for Arimoto san TOSCA
magnetic field of PMT the effect of iron is small iron y 0 geometry magnetic filed first second third
prototype test ( KEK-PS pi2,2005 Feb ) guide7 simulation timing resolution47ps setup of beamline
analysis σ(tof- ref1) =64ps ⇒ σ ( tof ) =49ps
position scan,timing resolution timing resolution [ ps ] ● : PMTR 〇: PMTL under ● weighted mean distance from center [ cm ] 9090 timing resolution is all position satisfied condition of PID
position scan 2, npe npe 600~800 very high npe attenuation length 118cm
effective velocity Veff=15.3cm/ns not good linearity
calibration for Phase Ⅱ we can ’ t determine hit position from external tracker in Phase Ⅱ calculation from tdc mean Veff=15.3cm/ns t(hitR)=tr-(20-z)/Veff t(hitL)=tl-(20-z)/Veff z=(tr-tl)xVeff/2
timing resolution using tdc mean position is calculated from tdc, tofrt-toflt timing resoluiton 50~57ps 48~52ps (using ref1 position) position spread -0.5~0.4cm
summary timing resolution all position npe=600~800 Veff=15.3cm/ns calibration using tdc mean all position, stability is not good