Geomorphic Effects of Dams on Rivers Gordon Grant
Hydrologic Regime The hydrologic “regime” Geology Geology Climate Climate Topography Topography Changes in flow (Q) due to manipulation Direct = dams, diversions Direct = dams, diversions Indirect = climate shift, forest practices Indirect = climate shift, forest practices Flows are influenced in magnitude, duration, frequency and time There are consequences for manipulation There are consequences for manipulation
Hydrograph – McKenzie River, OR Flood control dams
Run of the River Dam-No Flood Control Capacity
Sediment Regime Much harder to get sediment data than hydrologic data Use reservoir sedimentation rates – Japan surveys once a year Influenced by other dams Influenced by other dams Landuse history Landuse history Ratio of sediment supply above and below dam Sediment budgets
Channel Response Incision occurs immediately downstream of dam Bed incises to equilibrium then stops Channel narrowing in which peak flows are affected Loss of secondary channel Colonization of bars by vegetation (traps sediment) Alluvial fans stabilize
How to bring hydrologic and sediment transport effects together? How is the dam affecting the river? Channel response Channel response Flow and sediment Flow and sediment
Geologic Influence Geology plays a major role in hydrology High Cascades vs. Western Cascades streams High Cascades vs. Western Cascades streams
Dam Effects High cascades Very little sediment derived Very little sediment derived Little sediment accumulated behind dams Little sediment accumulated behind dams W. Cascades Deeply dissected Deeply dissected More sediment accumulation More sediment accumulation
Summary Dams alter… Sediment regime Sediment regime Hydrologic regime Hydrologic regime River morphology River morphology