Expanded Observatory support (redundancy, verification) CME (Empirical) propagation (Cone Model) (ICME strength and arrival time) Electrodynamics model of ionosphere (TIECGM) Runtime specification of ITM model ( TIECGM,TING) Overview of CISM Code Coupling C. Goodrich and the CISM Coupling Team The Code Coupling Thrust is responsible for developing and maintaining successive versions of the CISM comprehensive model, Coupling Requirements: – Truly minimal code modification – Efficient data transfer between codes – Data translation (physics) and interpolation (grid) – Control of independently executing codes CISM 1.0 (2006) Ad hoc coupling of the MAS, ENLIL, LFM, and TING codes Following 1.x versions incorporate improved versions of these codes. The CISM Comprehensive Models MASENLIL B,V,,PB,V,,P ITM J ll, n p, T p LFM B,V,,PB,V,,P S P, S H, F Physical Inputs for ENLIL, LFM, and ITM L1 Coupler converts Heliospheric results for Geospace use Accurate Ionosphere (Particle precipitation from LFM and Conductances from ITM MAS ENLIL B,V,,PB,V,,P ITM J ll, n p, T p LFM B, V, , P S P, S H, F CISM 2.0 (Entering CISM Validation) RCM MASENLIL B,V,,PB,V,,P ITM J ll, n p, T p LFM B,V,,PB,V,,P S P, S H, F B, , P Next version of CISM (In Development) Consistent use of Object Oriented Framework Low latitude (ITM) electric field SEP generation and propagation to Earth CORHEL 1.2CMIT 1.0 CMIT 2.0 SEP B,V,,PB,V,,P Future Capabilities … Physical CME initiation (CME initiation from coronal active regions) Accurate thermodynamic model for coronal heating and solar wind acceleration SEP penetration and trapping in the magnetosphere Ad Hoc Coupling Code developers use hardwired linkages of code pairs to prototype coupling schemes and test scientific validity Object Oriented Software Framework Computational framework based on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) using existing packages – Intelligent Data Channels (InterComm) – Program Control (HPCALE) – Data Manipulation and Interpolation -Couplers (Overture) Object Oriented Software Framework Intelligent Data Channels InterComm (v1.5) is a programming environment (API) and runtime library that provides functions for: ( Transferring data efficiently between programs –Data channels defined and established at runtime –Data broadcast mode – one processor to many (or none) –Nonblocking exports – IC caches data until requested Controlling (v2.0) when data transfers occur –Synchronization of execution through timestamps on data transfers Program Control: HPCALE (1.0) is an application developed to deploy multiple programs coupled with InterComm Performs computational resource discovery and allocation Automatically launches applications on desired resources using user configuration files (XJD format) Web tool to help users to create XJD configuration files Data Manipulation and Interpolation - Couplers : Couplers make data from one code useful to another by: –Interpolation between disparate grids knowledge of grid structures of all codes –Conversion of data between disparate physical models knowledge of code data and conversion methods Overture is a set of C++ classes providing: ( –Interpolation between (moving, static) overlapping grids Registration and archiving of grids –Powerful syntax for data manipulation –Seamless interaction with IC (common data libraries) The functionality of our comprehensive models come from two sources: 1. Strengths of the individual component codes 2. End to end coupling, which enables physical interaction of the component codes Model Coupling Approach Object Oriented Framework: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling MHD P++ wrapper FORTRAN P++ Interface j || calc Density Sound speed N p, T p … Overture solver-coupler (A++/P++) P++ Interface Mappings Solves for Φ InterComm P++ v ┴, E calc Σ P, Σ H calculated locally or by an ITM model Diagram of the modularized version of the LFM model and the standalone, Overture-based ionosphere simulation. Modularized version of the LFM code with separate Magnetosphere Ionosphere components: Overture-based Ionosphere module solves for PC potential Module ready for LFM alone or with TING/TIE- GCM Internal calculation of conductances (LFM) or Import conductances from TING or TIE-CGM Data transfer via InterComm Extensive documentation L1 Coupler CORHEL 3.4 LTR 1.2 Radiation Belt modeling (energetic ion and electron fluxes near Earth Improved description of the Inner Magnetosphere Ring Current and Region 2 currents Multiple ion species in the Magnetosphere (ionospheric outflow) Kinetic scale physics (MI coupling, reconnection, …) Object Oriented Framework: CMIT 2.0 CMIT (2.0) has been reconfigured to use the new version of InterComm (1.6). Component code is now independent of the source or destination of data transfers, which are now determined at runtime from XJD file. LFM ITM {TING,TIECGM} XJD File Mag = LFM Ion = TIEGCM Coupler = MIC Mag.Pot Ion.Drift … HPCALE, IC 1.6 MIC HPCALE and IC 1.6 read XJD file. HPCALE launches component codes. IC establishes and initializes data channels. IC